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CfP special issue on "Intuitionistic Modal Logics and Applications" (deadline extension)

Dear colleagues,

The deadline for the submission of papers to the special issue of
Information and Computation on Intuitionistic Modal Logics and
Applications is fast approaching (31st May).

Please see the CFP below, and forward it to other interested colleagues.
If you'd like to submit a paper, but don't think you can make the deadline,
please write to us with your title and preliminary abstract and we can
have (some!)  flexibility.

  Best regards,
  Brigitte & Valeria


Call for Papers

Special Issue of Information and Computation on
Intuitionistic Modal Logics and Applications (IMLA)

Guest Editors: Valeria de Paiva, Brigitte  Pientka and Aleks Nanevski

Submission deadline: 31. May, 2009

Constructive modal logics and type theories are of increasing
foundational and practical relevance in computer science. Applications
are in type disciplines for programming languages, and meta-logics for
reasoning about a variety of computational phenomena.
Theoretical and methodological issues center around the question of how
the proof-theoretic strengths of constructive logics can best be
combined with the model-theoretic strengths of modal logics. Practical
issues center around the question of which modal connectives with
associated laws or proof rules capture computational phenomena
accurately and at the right level of abstraction and how to implement
these efficiently.

There have been a series of   LICS-affiliated workshops devoted to the
theme. The first one was held as part of FLoC1999, Trento, Italy, the
second was part  of FLoC2002, Copenhagen, Denmark, the third was
associated with LiCS2005, Chicago, USA and the last one was associated
with LICS 2008 in Pittsburgh, PA, USA. Two special issues of journals on
the theme have already appeared,  a Mathematical Structures in Computer
Science volume edited by Matt Fairtlough, Michael Mendler and Eugenio
Moggi (Modalities in type theory) in 2001, and a special
issue of  the Journal of Logic and Computation  in 2004
(Intuitionistic Modal Logics and Application, eds. Valeria de Paiva, R.
Gore ad M. Mendler).

We are hereby soliciting papers for a further special volume
  of Information and Computation, devoted to Intuitionistic Modal
Logics and Applications. We hope to cover the novel applications
presented in the last two workshops, especially applications to
computer security, automated deduction and  computational linguistics,
but also to include work not presented at the workshops. The proposed
timeline  of events is as follows:
* Papers (preferably under 20 pages long) should be submitted by 31st
May  2009
* Reviews will be provided until the end of August 2009 and the volume
should be ready by the end of the Fall.

Topics  of interest include, but are not limited to:

* applications of intuitionistic necessity and possibility
* monads and strong monads
* constructive belief logics and type theories
* applications of constructive modal logic and modal type theory to
formal verification, foundations of security, abstract interpretation,
and program analysis and optimization
* modal types for integration of inductive and co-inductive types,
higher-order abstract syntax, strong functional programming
* models of constructive modal logics such as algebraic, categorical,
Kripke, topological, and realizability interpretations
* notions of proof for constructive modal logics
* extraction of constraints or programs from modal proofs
* proof search methods for constructive modal logics and their

Please contact one of the editors (Valeria de Paiva
valeria@cuill.com <mailto:valeria@cuill.com> or  Brigitte Pientka
bpientka@cs.mcgill.ca <mailto:bpientka@cs.mcgill.ca>) if
you're not sure that your paper is within the scope of this special
volume. Submissions should be 10 to 20  pages  long and sent in
PostScript or PDF format to one of the editors, before the 31st
May 2009.