Logic List Mailing Archive

Call for Early Registration: LSIR-2 at IJCAI-09

    LSIR-2 at IJCAI-09
     July 12, 2009
    Pasadena, CA, USA


Register by May 15, 2009 on


09.05-09.15  =09Opening
09.15-10.00=09Michael Young: "The Representational Challenges of Fictional
10.00-10.30 =09COFFEE BREAK
10.30-10.50 =09Amitabha Mukerjee: "Discovering symbols from interactions
 =09=09- easier than explaining interactions via symbols?"
10.50-11.10 =09Nadine Guiraud, Andreas Herzig, Emiliano Lorini: "Speech
 =09=09acts as announcements"
11.10-11.30 =09Break
11.30-12.15=09Lenhart Schubert: "From generic sentences to scripts"
12.15-14.20=09Lunch Break
14.20-14.40=09Jan Broersen: "A Preliminary Investigation into the Influence
 =09=09of Agent Types on Rational Agent Interactions"
14.40-15.00 =09Jos Uiterwijk, Kevin Moesker: "Mathematical Modelling in Twi
15.00-15.30 =09COFFEE BREAK
15.30-15.50 =09Rafael Prez y Prez: "Emotions in Plot Generation"
15.50-16.10 =09Ethan Kennerly: "Computing Quality of Life in a Social
 =09=09Management Game"
16.10-16.30 =09Ethan Kennerly, Andreas Witzel, Jonathan Zvesper: "Thief's
16.30-16.50 =09Break
16.50-17.10 =09Martin Magnusson, David Landn, Patrick Doherty: "Logical
 =09=09Agents that Plan, Execute, and Monitor Communication"
17.10-17.55=09Leora Morgenstern: "Traveling Through Time and Logical AI:
 =09=09Toward a Formal Theory of Time Travel"