Logic List Mailing Archive

Launch of new open access publication venue: "Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science" (EPTCS)

With this email, we are launching

     Electronic Proceedings in Theoretic Computer Science (EPTCS)

a new international refereed open access venue for the rapid
electronic publication of the proceedings of workshops and
conferences, and of festschrifts, etc, in the general area of
theoretical computer science, broadly construed.

We do not charge authors or event organisers for electronic
publication in EPTCS in any way. If hard-copies of proceedings are
desired, event organisers have the choice of organising the printing
themselves or taking advantage of a standard contract we will make
with a printing house. Copyright on all papers is retained by the
author, and full-text electronic access to all papers is freely
available, without any need for registration or subscription.

Permanent archival of EPTCS publications is ensured by organising
EPTCS as an overlay of the Computing Research Repository (CoRR): see
arXiv.org. The content of EPTCS will be indexed by DBLP.

Only original papers will be considered for publication in EPTCS:
manuscripts are accepted for review by an EPTCS conference or workshop
with the understanding that the same work has not been published, nor
is presently submitted, elsewhere. However, full versions of extended
abstracts published in EPTCS, or substantial revisions, may later be
published elsewhere.

The submission and refereeing process is handled entirely by the
organisation of the conference, workshop or festschrift to which the
paper is submitted. Our editorial board carefully selects which
workshops and conferences can be trusted to select scientific papers
of quality only, and only those events will be granted a contract to
fill a volume of EPTCS.

Our editorial board consists of:

Luca Aceto		Rob van Glabbeek	Gordon Plotkin
Rajeev Alur		Lane A. Hemaspaandra	Vladimiro Sassone
Krzysztof R. Apt	Matthew Hennessy	Robert H. Sloan
Lars Arge		Bartek Klin		Wolfgang Thomas
Ran Canetti 		Evangelos Kranakis	Irek Ulidowski
Luca Cardelli		Shay Kutten		Dorothea Wagner
Rocco De Nicola		Nancy Lynch		Martin Wirsing
Jose' Luiz Fiadeiro	Aart Middeldorp		Moti Yung
Wan Fokkink		Benjamin Pierce

Further information can be found on our website:


In the hope this initiative will benefit the theoretical computer
science community,

Rob van Glabbeek
(Editor in Chief)