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AITC09: Advances in the Theory of Computing

26-29 Sep 2009
Timisoara, Romania

"Advances in the Theory of Computing" (AITC'09) is a special track of
SYNASC 2009, the 11th Annual Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric
Algorithms for Scientific Compting.

Conference location: West University of Timisoara, Romania, September
26-29, 2009.
Website:  http://tcs.ieat.ro

  Program Committee of AITC'09:

Alexandru Andoni (M.I.T.)
Gruia Calinescu (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Cristian Calude (Auckland University)
Stephan Eidenbenz (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
Lane A. Hemaspaandra (University of Rochester)
Gabriel Istrate (e-Austria Research Institute Timisoara, co-chair)
Lefteris Kirousis (University of Patras)
Madhav V. Marathe (Virginia Bioinformatics Institute)
Marius Minea (UP Timisoara)
Mihai Patrascu (I.B.M. Almaden, co-chair)
Grigore Rosu (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)

We invite submissions presenting significant advances in the Theory of
Computing in the form of:

                 + full-length research papers,
                 + informal presentations.

Accepted research papers will be published on electronic media
(distributed during the  conference) and in the conference
post-proceedings, published by the IEEE Computer Society Press. (For
previous editions of SYNASC see

All areas of Theoretical Computer Science, broadly construed, are of
interest. In particular a non-exhaustive list of topics includes:

- Data Structures and algorithms
- Combinatorial Optimization
- Graph-theoretic and Combinatorial methods in Computer Science
- Algorithmic paradigms, including distributed, online, approximation,
probabilistic, game-theoretic algorithms.
- Computational Complexity Theory, including structural complexity,
boolean complexity, communication complexity, average-case complexity,
derandomization and property testing.
- Logical approaches to complexity, including finite model theory.
- Aspects of computability theory, including computability in analysis
and algorithmic information theory.
- Proof complexity.
- Computational social choice and game theory
- New computational paradigms: CNN computing, quantum, holographic and
other non-standard approaches to Computability.
- Randomized methods, random graphs, threshold phenomena and
typical-case complexity.
- Automata theory and other formal models, particularly in relation to
formal verification methods such as model checking and runtime
- Applications of theory, including wireless and sensor networks,
computational biology
and computational economics.
- Experimental algorithmics.


Paper submission: May 30.

Deadline for informal presentation submission: July 1.

Notification of acceptance: August 15.

Registration: September 1st.

Final version due: September 15.

Symposium: 26-29 September 26-29, 2009.

Deadline for submission of revised version for IEEE post-proceedings:
30 November 30, 2009.


Papers of up to 8 pages (IEEE conference style), must be submitted
electronically through EasyChair. Plese select the "Advances in the
Theory of Computing" track when prompted by the system.

Research papers must contain original results, not concurrently
submitted to other publication venues and not published elsewhere.

Informal presentations can be submitted (as a one-page pdf document)
to synasc-tcs@info.uvt.ro. Please note the different deadline for
these presentations. Some of the submissions may be accepted as an
informal presentations only.

ORGANIZING COMMITTEE: Gabriel Istrate, Cosmin Bonchis, Adrian Craciun.


Main conference website: http://synasc09.info.uvt.ro/