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SIROCCO 2009: Structural Information and Communication Complexity

25-27 May 2009
Piran, Slovenia


                          CALL FOR POSTERS

                            SIROCCO 2009

                  16th International Colloquium on
         Structural Information and Communication Complexity

                          May 25-27, 2009
                          Piran, Slovenia


Important dates

Poster Submission deadline:  April 14, 2009
Poster Author notification:  April 30, 2009
Conference:                  May 25-27, 2009

Poster Session

SIROCCO' 2009 solicits posters for its poster session. The submissions
will be reviewed by the poster program committee. (Please note that
the deadline for the submission of _regular_ papers has passed.)


Posters may contain results submitted elsewhere or that appeared
elsewhere recently (it is the responsibility of the authors to obtain
permission for that, if necessary, from the other venue). Posters will
also be posted online (unless the presenters object). SIROCCO's
participants will be asked to vote for the best poster.

The submission must contain no more than 3 pages, describing the
results to be presented and the poster. It should also contain a short
abstract and the names and contact information of the authors,
indicating the contact author. It is expected that at least one of the
authors of an accepted poster will register and participate in SIROCCO
and present the poster. A link to the submission site will appear on
SIROCCO'09 Web site http://www.imfm.si/sirocco09/.


SIROCCO is devoted to the study of the interplay and trade-offs
between the efficiency of algorithms and systems and the availability
of information. This basic issue is common to many fields of multi
party systems.

SIROCCO has a tradition of interesting and productive scientific
meetings in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere, attracting leading
researchers in a variety of fields which exhibit such interplay. This
year, SIROCCO is held in Piran, a beautiful, medieval, Slovenian town
at the tip of a peninsula on the Adriatic sea.


Posters are solicited from all those areas where an interplay takes
place between local structural knowledge and global communication and
computational complexities. A _partial_ list of such areas includes
(but is not limited to) distributed computing, parallel computing,
game theory, social networks, networking (including areas from ad hoc
and sensor networks to high-speed networks), mobile computing
(including autonomous robots), peer to peer systems, communication
complexity, etc.

Topics of interest

They include (but are not limited to): distributed algorithms,
parallel algorithms, protocols, analysis and design of complex
networks, social networks, games, graph representations, compact data
structures and labeling schemes, combinatorics and optimization
applications, etc., such that the paper sheds light on the interplay
between knowledge, computing, and communication, i.e., on those
factors which are significant for the computability and the
communication complexity of problems.