Logic List Mailing Archive

GASICS 09: Games for Design, Verification and Synthesis

28 June 2009
Grenoble, France

                        Call for talks

      Workshop on Games for Design, Verification and Synthesis

                     Colocated with CAV'09

                Grenoble (France), 28 June 2009



Scope of the workshop:
GASICS is an ESF project of the EUROCORES programme LogICCC
(Modelling intelligent interaction Logic in the Humanities,
Social and Computational sciences ). It studies game theoretic
formalizations of interactive computational systems and
algorithms for their analysis and synthesis. Our aim is to extend
the existing notions of games played on graphs introduced by
computer scientists. Currently, most of the games played on
graphs are of the sort "two-players zero-sum", we aim to extend
them to "multiple-players non-zero-sum", and show the
applicability of the new theory to the analysis and synthesis of
interactive computational systems.

The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers working
on game-related subjects, and to discuss on various aspects of
game theory in the fields where it is applied. The workshop will
be composed of two invited talks, together with contributed talks
on the following (non-exhaustive) list of relevant topics:
  - Adapted notions of games for synthesis of complex interactive
    computational systems
  - Games played on complex and infinite graphs
  - Games with quantitative objectives
  - Game with incomplete information and over dynamic structures
  - Heuristics for efficient game solving.

An abstract no longer than 2 pages should be sent by e-mail to
We welcome already-published works as well as reports on on-going
research. There will be no formal proceedings, but the abstracts
together with handouts of presentations will be made available to
the participants. Contributed talks are planed to last 30

Invited speakers:
To be announced

Important dates:
Submissions: =0910 April 2009
Notification: =0930 April 2009
Workshop: =0928 June 2009

The workshop GASICS'09 will be colocated with CAV'09, and will
take place on June 28th, 2009 in Grenoble. Attendance will be
free for those registered to the main conference. There will be a
80 euros fee for other participants (50 euros for students),
including lunch and breaks.

  - Kim G. Larsen
  - Nicolas Markey
  - Jean-Franois Raskin
  - Wolfgang Thomas