Logic List Mailing Archive

"Foundational Adventures": Harvey Friedman's 60th Birthday

14-17 May 2009
Columbus OH, U.S.A.

Foundational Adventures:
Conference in Honor of the 60th Birthday of Harvey M. Friedman

This is a reminder to members of fom that the conference will be held at
the Blackwell Inn, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, May 14-17,

The URL for the conference webpage is


The webpage now contains links to the registration form (including
advance registration for the conference banquet, for which seating
is limited), a Google map of the venue, the conference program, and the
list of titles and abstracts.

We are hoping to have a downloadable .pdf file of the conference poster
available from this webpage within a matter of days. Members of this list
are invited to circulate it further by email in order to help with
publicity for this event.

Neil Tennant