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ICNC09 and FSKD09: Natural Computation / Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery

14-16 August 2009
Tianjin, China

Dear Colleague,

The 5th International Conference on Natural Computation (ICNC'09) and the 
6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery 
(FSKD'09) will be held from 14 to 16 August 2009, in Tianjin, China. We 
cordially invite you to submit a paper(s) and/or organize an invited 
session. Due to numerous requests, the submission deadline is extended to 
10 March.

Tianjin is one of the four municipalities in China. It is a financial and 
commercial center in North China and is known for its numerous travel 
resources and rich history, such as the Huangyaguan Great Wall, Dule 
Temple, Panshan Mountain and Food Street.

Selected best papers will appear in SCI-indexed journal(s), such as the 
Soft Computing journal. The rest of the accepted papers will appear in 
conference proceedings published by the IEEE Computer Society, which will 
include the conference proceedings in the IEEE Xplore, as well as submit 
the conference proceedings to both EI and ISTP for indexing.

ICNC'09-FSKD'09 aims to provide a high-level international forum for 
scientists and researchers to present the state of the art of intelligent 
methods inspired from nature, particularly biological and physical 
systems, with applications to data mining, manufacturing, design, and 
more. This is an exciting and emerging interdisciplinary area in which a 
wide range of theory and methodologies are being investigated and 
developed to tackle complex and challenging problems.

Previously, the joint conferences in 2005 through 2008 each attracted over 
3000 submissions from more than 30 countries.

To promote international participation of researchers from outside the 
country/region where the conference is held (i.e., China), foreign experts 
are encouraged to propose invited sessions. The first author of each paper 
in an invited session must not be affiliated with an organization in 
China. All papers in the invited sessions will be marked as "Invited 
Paper". One organizer for each invited session with at least 6 registered 
papers will enjoy an honorarium of USD 400. Invited session organizers 
will solicit submissions, conduct reviews and recommend accept/reject 
decisions on the submitted papers. Each invited session proposal should 
include the following information: (1) the name, bio, and contact 
information of each invited session organizer; (2) the title and a short 
synopsis of the invited session. Please send your proposal to Invited 
Session Chair byzhang@google.com

For more information, visit the conference web page:


If you have any questions after visiting the conference web page, please 
email the secretariat at icnc2009@tjut.edu.cn

Join us at this major event in historic Tianjin !!!

With best regards,

Organizing Committee

P.S.: Kindly forward to your colleagues or students who may be interested.