Logic List Mailing Archive

PhiLang 2009: Philosophy of Language and Linguistics

14-15 May 2009
Lodz, Poland

International Conference on Philosophy of Language and Linguistics

PhiLang2009, University of d (Poland), 14-15 May 2009
Third Circular and Call for Papers

Extended deadline!

The Department of English and General Linguistics at University of d
announces the first International Conference on Philosophy of Language and
Linguistics. The title of the Conference is deliberately ambiguous: we 
wish to investigate the relation between 'philosophy of language' and 
'linguistics', but we also want to focus on 'philosophy of language' as 
opposed to 'philosophy of linguistics'.  Are the two in opposition, or do
they perhaps complement one another? We also intend to question and verify
'the myths and dogmas' current in contemporary philosophy of language.

The principal aim of our Conference is to bring together philosophers and
linguists; we would like the papers to address the following research 

.  What are the new problems and issues in the philosophy of language in
the 21st century?

.  Have any traditional problems been successfully solved?

.  How does research in linguistics influence the philosophy of language
and philosophy of linguistics?

.  How does philosophy influence modern linguistics?

.  What are the myths and dogmas of contemporary philosophy of language?

We also invite papers investigating the following themes (the list is not

.  The philosophical background of the 'cognitive revolutions' in 

.  Categorization in philosophy and language

.  Frege, Wittgenstein and contemporary linguistics

.  Myths of objectivism and subjectivism in philosophy and language

.  Axiology in philosophy and language

.  The concept of truth in philosophy and language

.  Time in philosophy and language

.  The duality of mind and body in philosophy and language

.  Possible worlds in logic, philosophy and literature

.  The relation between philosophy of language and literature and literar

The following scholars have accepted our invitation to address the 
conference as plenary speakers:

Eros Corazza & Kepa Korta (Carleton University, Ottawa & ILCLI, 
Donostia-San Sebastian) on Two Dogmas of Philosophical Linguistics

Katarzyna Jaszczolt (Department of Linguistics, University of Cambridge) 
on Time in Language and Thought

Barbara Lewandowska-Tomaszczyk (Department of English Language and Applied
Linguistics, University of d) on Events as they are

Michael Morris (Department of Philosophy, University of Sussex) on The 
Myth of the Sign

Jaroslav Peregrin (Department of Logic, Charles University, Prague) on The
Myth of Semantic Structure

Abstracts of papers of max. 500 words should be forwarded by e-mail to 
philang2009@uni.lodz.pl and to piotrst@uni.lodz.pl

New deadline for submission is 15 February 2009. Presentations should last
max. 30 minutes (including discussion and questions). Notification of 
acceptance will be sent by 15 March 2009.

A volume of conference proceedings will be published with an international
publisher. The conference fee is 150 EUR (100 EUR for PhD students). It 
covers the cost of participation, conference materials and conference 

Payment of the conference fee should be made to the following bank 

PhiLang2009, Uniwersytet dzki

PL14 1240 3028 1111 0010 0434 7782


Please note that payment counts as registration.

Accommodation will be provided at the University of d Conference C
(d, Kopciskiego 16/18). Single and double rooms are available. 
cost of a single room per night is 140 PLN, double 210 PLN, breakfast is 
included in the price.

Mails and questions concerning registration and accommodation should be 
directed to philang2009@uni.lodz.pl and to rasinski@uni.lodz.pl

Further information about accommodation and social program will appear in
the Fourth Circular, in March 2009, and at: 

Organizing committee:

                 prof. dr hab. Piotr Stalmaszczyk ( piotrst@uni.lodz.pl )

                 prof. dr hab. Krzysztof Kosecki ( kosecki@uni.lodz.pl )

                 dr Janusz Badio ( jbadio@uni.lodz.pl )

                 Jerzy Gaszewski  ( jgaszewski@op.pl )

                 Ryszard Rasiski ( rasinski@uni.lodz.pl )