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XVIIIth European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics, Bologna (Italy), June 2010

18th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics
June (first half) 2010, Bologna

Usus loquendi, bonitas intelligentis, intentio loquentis
Pragmatic Approaches to Language During the Middle Ages
(IX-XIV Century)

Dear Friends,

here you find some informations about the next Symposium. The general 
theme of the symposium was selected by the participants during the closing
meeting of the 17th Symposium in Leiden last June. The choice of the title
is mine, but can be modified (I?m waiting for proposals). You are kindly 
invited to consider your participation to the symposium, be it as speaker
or non-speaker. The Symposium will be held at the University of Bologna 
(Italy), probably hosted by the Scuola Superiore di Studi Umanistici, 
directed by Umberto Eco, and partially supported by the Department of 
Communication Sciences. I regret I can?t indicate a determined date by 
now, but I would propose to hold it in first half of June, reserving 4 
days for the lectures. In order to decide the date, I have to know when, 
in this period, the big trade fair takes place, because it makes 
impossible to find a hotel room for all its duration. The 2010 calendar, 
however, is not yet available (see 
http://www.bolognafiere.it/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=828 ).

The participants will find accomodation in different hotels in Bologna, 
and I will send you a list of hotels.

As for the contributions, I propose to have at most 7 papers each day, and
at most 24 paper altogether (we need an afternoon for the excursion). Each
speaker should talk no more than 30 minutes, leaving 15 minutes for the 
discussion and a short break. To make the time suffice for a thorough 
presentation and discussion, I strongly urge all speakers to e-mail their
hand-outs or even their full papers to all participants beforehands ? 
preferably several weeks before the meeting. A list of participants, with
e-mail adresses, will be found in later circulars.

I kindly invite all participants to send me the title of their paper no 
later than May 1st 2009. Later I will ask you to provide hand-outs 
etcetera. I need the titles also with a view of getting additional 
financial support.

As could be expected, it is not easy to raise funds for organizing the 
Symposium, so that I ask the participants to try to obtain support from 
their own institutions.

If any of the Symposium?s speakers cannot possibly find the means 
elsewhere, I?ll try to arrange and pay hotel accomodation. And in general,
if anyone cannot in any way fin the means to pay the costs of travel and 
accomodation, I invite him or her to contact me. Please, let me know in 
how far you need financial support on my part. I must underline that only
when I have full insight in the needs of financial support, I?ll be able 
to determine the exact level of the subventions on my part.

Bologna is very easy to get and can be reached

a) by plane: Bologna Airport (Guglielmo Marconi), then by bus (about 30 
minutes to Bologna) or taxi (15 minutes).

b) by train, from Rome (3 hours and a half) or Milan (1 hour and a half).

c) by car, from various directions. Parking in the city is difficult, if 
the hotel does not have special facilities.

I am looking forward to having some news from you. Please ask me if you 
need information or whatever else.

 =09=09=09=09Looking forward to seeing you in Bologna,

 =09=09=09=09Costantino Marmo

Universit di Bologna,
Facolt di Lettere e Filosofia,
Dipartimento di Discipline della Comunicazione
Via Azzo Gardino 22