Logic List Mailing Archive
LSIR-2: Logic and the Simulation of Interaction and Reasoning, Pasadena CA (U.S.A.), July 2009
2nd Workshop on Logic and the Simulation of Interaction and Reasoning (LSIR
held at IJCAI-09, Pasadena CA, U.S.A., July 2009
Description of workshop and Topics. In the past years, logicians have
become more and more interested in the phenomenon of interaction and the
formal modelling of social procedures and phenomena. The area Logic &
Games deals with the transition from the static logical paradigm of formal
proof and derivation to the dynamic world of intelligent interaction and
its logical models. Modelling intelligent interaction has been an aspect
of the practical work of computer game designers for a long time.
Pragmatic questions such as 'What makes a storyline interesting', 'What
makes an reaction natural', and 'What role do emotions play in game
decisions' have been tackled by practicing programmers. The practical
aspects of computer gaming reach out to a wide interdisciplinary field
including psychology and cognitive science. So far, there are only a few
cross-links between these two communities.
LSIR2 focuses on the relation between techniques of modern logic (such as
discourse representation theory or dynamic epistemic logic) and concrete
modelling problems in computer games (either as part of the story or game
design or as part of the design of the artificial agents). We aim
combining communities of logic, multi-agent systems, computer game design,
the story understanding community, and various parts of AI dealing with
the formal modelling of emotions and intentions, as well as the empirical
testing of these models; we invite all researchers in these and related
field to submit their abstracts of papers, in particular those that build
bridges between the communities.
Format of workshop. The workshop will have four invited keynote speakers,
covering the various communities of interest for our topic. In addition to
that, we will issue a Call for Papers and ask for submissions. These
submissions will be reviewed by the programme committee, and the best
eight to ten submissions will be selected for 30-minute presentations. In
case we get a large number of high-quality submissions, we will host a
poster session as well, accepting up to ten posters.
Attendance. In addition to the 12-14 speakers, we expect further
participants who will engage in the discussions. We estimate that the
workshop will have between 30 and 50 participants.
Submission requirements. We invite all researchers in the relevant fields
to submit extended abstracts of one to four pages of text via the
EasyChair submission page at
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=lsir2. The first Call for
Papers will be issued in December 2008.
LSIR-2 Programme Committee.
Jan Broersen (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Cristiano Castelfranchi (Rome, Italy)
Frank Dignum (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Benedikt Lwe (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Erik T. Mueller (Hawthorne NY, United States of America)
Amitabha Mukherjee (Kanpur, India)
Mark Overmars (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Eric Pacuit (Stanford CA, United States of America)
Jos Uiterwijk (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Hans van Ditmarsch (Otago, New Zealand & Aberdeen, Scotland)
Workshop URL. http://www.illc.uva.nl/GLoRiClass/index.php?page=8_2
The main financial sponsor of the workshop is the Marie Curie research
training site GLoRiClass.