4-6 Nov 2009
Eindhoven, The Netherlands
**************************************************************************** Call for Workshop Proposals Formal Methods 2009 4-6 November, Eindhoven, The Netherlands **************************************************************************** FM2009 is the sixteenth international symposium of the Formal Methods Europe association. Ten years after the world congress in Toulouse in 1999, FM2009 will be organized as a world congress again, a global platform for researchers and practitioners from a diversity of countries, backgrounds and schools to exchange ideas and share experiences. Several conferences are collocating with FM2009 within FMweek. The organizing committee of FM2009 cordially invites proposals for one or two day workshops in the wide area of formal methods. In particular, workshops on new or emerging fields of application of formal methods are appreciated. Workshops will take place preceding the symposium, on 2 and 3 November 2009. For each accepted workshop limited financial support is available. FM2009 workshop proposals should include: - workshop title and brief description of its scope and goal - names and affiliations of the workshop organizers - format of the workshop, duration and selection procedure - form of proceedings, if applicable - expected number of participants. Proposals can be sent to the workshop chair Erik de Vink at evink@win.tue.nl. Deadline for submission is 22 December 2008. Proposals will be evaluated by the FM2009 organizing committee. Notification will be sent early January. Workshops that have informal proceedings can be assisted in printing and distribution by the FM2009 organizing committee. Workshop participants are invited to register for FM2009 or one the colocated events within FMweek, but are not required to do so. For, more information on the symposium, colocated events and venue, seewww.win.tue.nl/fm2009 and www.win.tue.nl/fmweek. Further inquiries can be made to the workshop chair.