Logic List Mailing Archive
International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics, Doha (Qatar), November 2008
CFP and Deadline Change: International Workshop on the Implementation of
(DEADLINE: 18:10:2008)
Please notice that the workshop deadlines are harmonized with other LPAR
events. The submission deadline is October 18 now.
The 7th International Workshop on the Implementation of Logics will be
held in conjunction with the 15th International Conference on Logic for
Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Reasoning, LPAR 2008
(http://www.lpar.net/2008/), in Doha, Qatar, in November 2008. IWIL has
been unusually sucessful in bringing together many talented developers,
and thus in sharing information about successful implementation techniques
for automated reasoning systems and similar programs. We are looking for
contributions describing implementation techniques for and implementations
of automated reasoning programs, theorem provers for various logics, logic
programming systems, and related technologies.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Data structures and algorithms for the efficient representation of
logical concepts
* Theorem proving systems
* Model generation systems
* Satisfiability-modulo-theories systems
* Constraint-based systems
* Logic programming systems
* Implementation of propositional logic and decision procedures
* Implementation of higher order logics and lambda-calculus
* Implementation of new and unusual calculi
* Integration of systems based on different logics
* Transformations between different logics (e.g., abstractions)
* Issues of reliability, witness generation, and witness verification
* Evaluation and benchmarking of logic-based systems
* Reasoning for ontologies
* Ontology modularity, module extraction
Contributions that help the community to understand how to build useful
and powerful reasoning systems in practice are of particular interest.
Important dates:
* Submission of abstracts: October 18th
* Notification: October 27th
* Workshop (preliminary): November 22rd, with LPAR 2008.
Please submit an extended abstract of up to 10 pages in PDF, conforming to the
format produced by LaTeX using the easychair.cls class file available from the
workshop web-page. Long listings of computer output should be relegated to a
referenced WWW site. Submission is via EasyChair. All submissions will be
informally reviewed by the programme committee and accepted contributions will
be published in archived electronic notes.
Program committee:
Wolfgang Ahrendt Chalmers University of Technology and
Goeteborg University
Elvira Albert Complutense University of Madrid
Serge Autexier Saarland University
Chris Benzmueller Saarland University
Chad Brown Saarland University
Bart Demoen Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Alessandro Cimatti ITC/irst, Trento
Hans de Nivelle Wroclaw University
Bernd Fischer Southampton University
Alexander Fuchs Iowa University
Thomas Hillenbrand Max-Planck-Institut fuer Informatik
Ullrich Hustadt Liverpool University
Boris Konev (co-chair) Liverpool University
Konstantin Korovin Manchester University
Gopalan Nadathur Minnesota University
Albert Oliveras Technical University of Catalonia
Brigitte Pientka McGill University
Kostis Sagonas Uppsala University
Renate Schmidt (co-chair) Manchester University
Peter Schneider-Kamp RWTH Aachen
Stephan Schulz (co-chair) Technische Universitaet Muenchen
Volker Sorge Birmingham University
Geoff Sutcliffe Miami University