5-8 June 2009
Berlin, Germany
CALL FOR SYMPOSIA & TUTORIAL PROPOSALS ASSOCIATION FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY OF CONSCIOUSNESS 13TH ANNUAL MEETING Berlin School of Mind and Brain, Berlin, Germany June 5 - 8, 2009 The thirteenth annual meeting of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness will be held from June 5th to June 8th, 2009, at the Berlin School of Mind and Brain. Hosted by the renowned Humboldt-University, the Berlin School of Mind and Brain is an international graduate research school on the interface of humanities and behavioral sciences with neurosciences. ASSC XIII is intended to promote interdisciplinary dialogue in the scientific study of consciousness. ASSC members as well as non-members are encouraged to submit contributions that address current empirical and theoretical issues in the study of consciousness, from the perspectives of philosophy, neuroscience, psychology, computer science, and cognitive ethology. ASSC XIII will provide an excellent opportunity for the presentation of new empirical findings or novel theoretical perspectives in an atmosphere that will promote discussion and debate. CALL FOR SYMPOSIA PROPOSALS SUBMISSIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 15TH OCTOBER 2008 The Program committee invites proposals for symposia on any topic relevant to the scientific study of consciousness. For details, see www.assc13.com/symposia <http://www.assc13.com/symposia>. Symposia/talks should be spread over topics in consciousness studies, paying close attention to areas that may have been overlooked last year or in previous years. ASSC has a strong preference for symposia proposals to focus on specific questions rather than a set of loosely related talks. Accepted symposium speakers will be compensated for reasonable travel expenses (round-trip economy-class airfare and waived registration and banquet fees; speakers will be expected to cover their own accommodation costs). Send the proposal along with submission requirements listed on our website (www.assc13.com/symposia <http://www.assc13.com/symposia>) to Michael Pauen (mail@assc13.com <mailto:mail@assc13.com>) by October 15th. Please note that the Program Committee will begin making decisions regarding the acceptance of symposia very shortly after the deadline date, so that late proposals will be at a serious disadvantage. CALL FOR TUTORIAL PROPOSALS TUTORIAL PROPOSALS MUST BE RECEIVED BY 31ST JANUARY 2009 As in previous years, this notice is also intended as a first call for tutorial presenters. One of the aims of this meeting is to allow researchers to gain a background in areas that they may know little about. Towards that end a number of tutorials are planned. Some participants in the conference would be very interested in learning about technical matters such as fMRI or other important brain imaging techniques. Others might enjoy a seminar on a philosophical topic, or a tutorial on relevant matters in cognitive psychology or neuroethics. Tutorial presenters are expected not to present just only their own material, but to give a broader tutorial overview and encourage discussion and debate. A non-exclusive list of possible topics might include: - Brain imaging techniques (e.g. fMRI, EEG, MEG, ERP) - Computational & other theoretical models of conscious processes - Conscious and unconscious processing - Neural basis of attention and consciousness - Criteria for the ascription of consciousness - Philosophical issues concerning consciousness and representation - Phenomenological methods for investigating consciousness - Coma and altered states of consciousness - Free will, responsibility, and decision making - Neuroethics Tutorials will be held in parallel sessions on the morning and afternoon of June 5th 2009. Each tutorial is intended to last approximately three hours. The sizes of tutorials will vary between a minimum of 10 to a maximum of around 25 attendees. Tutorial presenters will receive an honorarium of $500 and their registration fee for the conference will be waived. The cost of attending tutorials will be $50. Tutorials that do not achieve the minimum enrollment of 10 people may not be offered. Send the tutorial proposal along with the following to Michael Pauen (mail@assc13.com <mailto:mail@assc13.com>) as soon as possible but no later than 31st January 2009. 1. Tutorial presenters address with affiliation, email and phone number. 2. Draft timetable for the proposed tutorial with title. 3. Summary or abstract of the tutorial, limit 250 words. 4. Audio/Visual requirements. REGISTRATION & CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS The call for submissions (talks or poster presentations) will be sent out at a later date, together with details of registration. As in previous years, discounted registration will be available to ASSC members, who will also enjoy a range of book discounts and other member benefits. The registration discount will be greater than the cost of membership, so prospective members are encouraged to join ASSC now! To find out more about the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness, and to apply for membership, please consult our website at: <http://assc.caltech.edu/>. ASSC13 Scientific Program Committee: Kathleen Akins, Axel Cleeremans, John Dylan Haynes, Christof Koch, Michael Pauen, Frederique de Vignemont, Vincent Walsh