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4th Asia-Pacific Computing and Philosophy Conference (AP-CAP 2008)

5-7 December 2008
Bangalore, India

Call for Papers
Fourth Asia-Pacific Computing and Philosophy Conference (AP-CAP 2008)


*Deadline for submission of abstracts (no more than 1,000 words) is September 
15, 2008*

The Fourth Asia-Pacific Computing and Philosophy Conference (AP-CAP 2008) 
will be held at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) , Indian 
Institute of Science Campus, Bangalore, India, during December 5-7, 2008. 
This is the first time this conference is being held in India. It is 
jointly organised by Centre for Philosophy, NIAS, and the Association for 
Logic in India (ALI).

AP-CAP 2008 is part of the series of conferences organised by the 
International Association for Computing and Philosophy (IACAP, 
www-ia-cap.org). The conferences have been in held in various regions of 
the world. As of now there are three major regions where these conferences 
are held, namely in North America (NACAP), Europe (ECAP) and Asia-Pacific 

IACAP has been instrumental in establishing a vibrant community of 
scholars around the world who explore the areas of philosophy and 
computation. The Mission of this organization is as follows: "IACAP exists 
to promote scholarly dialogue on all aspects of the 
computational/informational turn and the use of computers in the service 
of philosophy." This association is basically engaged in organising 
conferences around the world on themes related to computation and 
philosophy. This has the effect of not only creating a corpus of written 
work related to the themes of philosophy and computation but also succeeds 
in creating an effective international network of scholars who are 
interested in these areas.


As with the other CAP conferences, AP-CAP 2008 will also deal with all 
aspects of the "computational turn" that is occurring through the 
interaction of the disciplines of philosophy and computing. However, there 
are also some specific themes which would be the focus of this meet. The 
themes are:

(*) Contemporary issues in philosophy of information and computation
(*) Computation, algorithm and mathematics
(*) Computation and algorithms in Indian mathematics and linguistics
(*) Indian logic and its relationship with computation/computer science
(*) Culture and information technologies

This conference will be an interdisciplinary meet with representation from 
the disciplines of philosophy, computer science, logic, mathematics and 
social sciences.

Invited speakers include Elizabeth Buchanan Mihir Chakraborty, Vijay 
Chandru, Luciano Floridi, John Hooker, Paul Humphreys, Amba Kulkarni, 
Benedikt Loewe, Veni Madhavan, N. Raja, R. Ramanujam, Sundar Sarukkai, 
Srikanth Sastry, M. D. Sreenivas.

Submission of abstracts

Authors are invited to send an extended abstract of not more than 1,000 
words. Files in .DOC, .RTF, .TXT, or .PDF formats are acceptable. The 
deadline for submission is September 15, 2008. Authors will be notified of 
the committee's decision before September 30, 2008. Abstracts should be 
sent to cfpnias@gmail.com


There are no registration fees for the conference. However, those 
interested in attending have to formally register by sending an email to 
cfpnias@gmail.com Subject to availability of funds, a few travel grants 
(for travel within India) will be available.


Prof. Sundar Sarukkai
Center for Philosophy
National Institute of Advanced Studies
Indian Institute of Science Campus
Bangalore 560012, India.
PHONE: +91-80-2218 5074 FAX: +91-80-2218 5028
EMAIL: cfpnias@gmail.com