18-22 August 2008
New York City NY, U.S.A.
Effective Mathematics of the Uncountable (EMU 2008) August 18-22, 2008 The CUNY Graduate Center 365 Fifth Avenue, New York City http://nylogic.org/EMU Although classical computable model theory is most naturally concerned with countable domains, several methods---some old, some new---extend its basic concepts to uncountable structures. The purpose of this workshop is to stud y these various extensions of effectivity to the uncountable, bringing togeth er experts in such topics as sigma-definable structures, alpha-recursion theor y, ordinal computability, Blum-Shub-Smale machines, infinite time Turing machi nes and locally computable structures, among others. The workshop will both pro vide tutorial-type introductions to each approach and aim ultimately at the exploration of their connections. The workshop begins in just a few weeks, so please come enjoy a week of log ic in New York City. The CUNY Graduate Center is located in midtown Manhattan, across the corner from the Empire State Building. Speakers include: Wesley Calvert, Murray State University Noam Greenberg, Victoria University of Wellington Joel David Hamkins, The City University of New York Julia Knight, University of Notre Dame Peter Koepke, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universitt Bonn Russell Miller, Queens College of CUNY Antonio Montalbn, University of Chicago Richard A. Shore, Cornell University Alexey I. Stukachev, Sobelev Institute of Mathematics Philip Welch, University of Bristol + additional speakers may still be arranged Organizers: Noam Greenberg, Noam.Greenberg@mcs.vuw.ac.nz Joel Hamkins, jdh@hamkins.org Denis Hirschfeldt, drh@math.uchicago.edu Russell Miller, Russell.Miller@qc.cuny.edu This EMU workshop is funded by a generous grant from the Templeton Foundati on, a part of their program Exploring the Infinite, Phase I: Mathematics and Mathematical Logic. All interested participants are welcome to attend the workshop. There is no registration fee. Limited funds are available to support graduate student a nd junior faculty participants. Please contact Denis Hirschfeldt or the other organizers about travel funding. Please forward this announcement to all interested parties. ----------------------- http://nylogic.org/EMU Reply to sender for changes to the mailing list.