19-21 September 2008
Bristol, U.K.
Mathematical Methods in Philosophy Bristol, England Friday September 19th - Sunday September 21st 2008 This is the fourth in a series of meetings exploring mathematical methods in epistemology, semantics, theories of truth, and philosophy of mathematics in a British Academy funded research project. (See: http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Esfop0114/rg/index.html ) This meeting is further supported by the London Mathematical Society, and the British Logic Colloquium (with further financial support from the University of Bristol). Located at the School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, England. Confirmed Speakers: * Riccardo Bruni (Firenze) * Martin Fischer (Leuven) * Harvey Friedman (Ohio State) * Peter Koellner (Harvard) * Ofra Magidor (Oxford) * Jeff Paris (Manchester) * Alexander Paseau (Oxford) * Richard Pettigrew (Bristol) * Gabriel Uzquiano (Oxford) * Jouko Vnnen (ILLC Amsterdam, Helsinki) * Andreas Weiermann (Ghent) * Alan Weir (Glasgow) There is a registration fee of 20 with a reduced fee of 10 for studen ts and postgraduates. Meeting Webpage: http://users.ox.ac.uk/~sfop0114/rg/meetings/bristol08.html <http://users.ox.ac.uk/%7Esfop0114/rg/meetings/bristol08.html> Further timetabling and titles /etc/. will be placed on this page. ------------------------------- PLEASE NOTE: There are some grants for postgraduates to cover the registration fees, tr avel and accommodation costs from the London Mathematical Society. Please apply ear ly by email to the contact below, to avoid disappointment. ------------------------------- Contact: Philip Welch email address (please replace "at" by the usual "@" symbol): p.welch at bristol.ac.uk) Please contact Helen Craven +44 117 928 7978 (helen.craven at bris.ac.uk) for technical/admin questions or for help concerning the Conference Visitor information including maps can be found here. <Visitor%20information%20including%20maps%20can%20be%20found%20here.> http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/events/info/ Information about Bristol Hotels: http://www.bristol.ac.uk/safe/Purchasing/webit611.html -- Prof. Philip Welch +44 117 33 11807 Tel Professor of Mathematical Logic +44 117 92 87999 FAX School of Mathematics, University of Bristol, p.welch@bristol.ac.uk Bristol, http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/~mapdw BS8 1TW, England