Logic List Mailing Archive
Postdoctoral fellowship in MML, Monash University (Australia), Deadline: 21 July 2008
David Dowe <David.Dowe@infotech.monash.edu.au> is looking for a
postdoctoral fellow for collaborative work on (Bayesian) Minimum Message
Length (MML) and/or Kolmogorov complexity applied to any of (e.g.)
clustering, mixture modelling, hierarchical clustering and hierarchical
mixture modelling, latent factor analysis, regression, time series, DNA
microarray analysis, decision trees, decision graphs, support vector
machines (SVMs), classification, Bayesian nets, Inductive Logic
Programming (ILP) and hybrids thereof, etc.
The relevant researcher should have between two and eight years of
post-doctoral experience as of September 2008. A successful applicant
will be appointed as Research Fellow (Level B) beginning January 2009,
with a salary per annum up to Aus$82,951 (including superannuation) and
Aus$50,000 additional research support for 5 years. More specific and
detailed information is at
The stated University deadline is Tuesday 5 August 2008, but Monash's
Faculty of I.T. will have a much earlier internal deadline of approx. Mon.
21st July - so we should try to aim for that.
Enquiries direct to David, please.