10-12 September 2008
Darmstadt, Germany
Reminder: the deadline for registration for the Colloquium Logicum 2008, September 10-12, TU Darmstadt, Germany is June 30. Visit: http:/www.mathematik.tu-darmstadt.de/fbereiche/logik/events/collogicum and follow the link "Registration". The scientific programme comprises * Herbrand Centenary Lecture: Georg Kreisel, F.R.S., Salzburg * invited plenary lectures by * Hans Adler (Leeds) * Sergei Goncharov (Novosibirsk) * Joel David Hamkins (New York) * Robert Lubarsky (Florida) * Nicole Schweikardt (Frankfurt) * Michiel van Lambalgen (Amsterdam) plus a PhD Colloquium with the presentation of selected recent PhD Theses in Logic as well as contributed talks. At the site mentioned above one can also propose a contributed talk and submit an abstract (only a limited number of slots will be available for the contributed talks).