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Game Theory in Communication Networks (GameComm 2008)

20 October 2008
Athens, Greece

Dear colleagues,

Please be advised that the submission deadline for GameComm 2008 has been 
extended to June 10, 2008.

The updated Call for Papers follows. Looking forward to see you in Greece!


            *** 2nd Call for Papers: Extended Submission Date ***

                  The second International Workshop on
           Game Theory in Communication Networks (GameComm 2008)

                          October 20, 2008
                           Athens, Greece

  To be held in conjunction with Valuetools 2008:

  Industry-sponsor: Deutsche Telekom AG Laboratories
  Co-sponsored by Create-Net and ICST
  In Technical Cooperation with ACM

  Keynote Speaker
  Jean-Pierre Hubaux
  EPFL, Switzerland

  Workshop Co-Chairs
  Tansu Alpcan, Deutsche Telekom Labs., Germany
  Nahum Shimkin, Technion, Israel
  Laura Wynter, IBM, USA

  Technical Program Committee
  Afrand Agah, West Chester Univ., USA
  Eitan Altman, INRIA, France
  Nick Bambos, Stanford University, USA
  Tamer Basar, Univ. of Illinois at U-C, USA
  Randall Berry, Northwestern Univ., USA
  Vivek S. Borkar, Tata Inst. for Fund. Res., India
  Sonja Buchegger, Deutsche Telekom Lab, Germany
  Mario Cagalj, University of Split, Croatia
  Parijat Dube, IBM, USA
  Rachid El Azouzi, Universit? d'Avignon, France
  Moshe Haviv, Hebrew University, Israel
  Niovi Pavlidou, Aristotle University, Greece
  Rahul Jain, IBM, USA
  Tania Jimenez, Universit? d'Avignon, France
  Ramesh Johari, Stanford University, USA
  Hisao Kameda, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
  Ravi Mazumdar, Univ. of Waterloo, Canada
  Ariel Orda, Technion, Israel
  Asu Ozdaglar, MIT, USA
  Panos Papadimitratos, EPFL, Switzerland
  Lacra Pavel, Univ. of Toronto, Canada
  Jeff Shamma, Georgia Tech., USA
  Thomas L. Vincent, Univ. of Arizona, USA


  The Workshop on Game theory in Communication networks (GameComm)is a
  one-day meeting held in conjunction with the 3rd International
  Conference on Performance Evaluation Methodologies and Tools
  (VALUETOOLS'08http://www.valuetools.org/). GameComm'08 will be held in
  Athens, Greece, on October 20, 2008.

  The distributed nature of wireline and wireless communication networks
  gives rise to many challenges related to their analysis, control, and
  management. The selfish nature of users, development of decentralized
  control mechanisms, and fair allocation of system resources are among
  major issues in networks research. Consequently, game theoretic methods
  are increasingly utilized to gain a deeper understanding of these complex
  problems and systems. Specifically, game theoretic models have been used
  in the context of Internet pricing, flow and congestion control, routing,
  power control, and recently security, among many other topics. The
  application of game theory to communication networks has attracted
  researchers from a variety of disciplines, including computer science,
  operations research, control theory, and economics.

  This workshop aims to bring together researchers who are interested in all
  aspects of the application game theory to the analysis and design of
  communication networks. The goal is to display the state-of-the-art in
  this evolving field, as well as stir discussion and outline possible
  directions for further progress.

  Workshop Topics

  Topics of interest encompass all aspects of game theoretical analysis as
  it applies to communication networks, including (but not limited to) the
  following methods and application areas:

  * Repeated and dynamic games
  * Stochastic games
  * S-modular and potential games
  * Network formation games
  * Mechanismdesign
  * Fairness and efficiency
  * Robustness and worst-case design
  * Evolutionary games
  * Learning in Games

  * Medium access control
  * Power control
  * Routing and message forwarding
  * Congestion control
  * Cognitive radio
  * Pricing
  * Security

  Technical papers describing original, previously unpublished research, not
  currently under review by another conference or journal, are solicited.
  The conference language is English.

  Prospective authors are encouraged to submit a PDF version of the full
  paper in the IEEE conference proceedings format, which are limited to 10
  two-column pages in a font no smaller than 10-points. All papers should be
  submitted through the EasyChair Conferencemanagement System:

  Submitted papers will be rigorously reviewed by the technical program
  committee members and the reviewers they invite. Accepted papers will be
  published in Valuetools conference proceedings.

  Special Issue
  Selected papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of
  the Telecommunication Systems Journal dedicated to GameComm 2008.

  Important dates
  Full Papers due: June 10, 2008    ** Note: extended deadline **
  Notification of Acceptance: July 8, 2008
  Camera-ready Manuscripts due:August 8, 2008
  Workshop Date: October 20, 2008