Logic List Mailing Archive

Game Theory Day at CWI

27 May 2008
Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Preliminary Announcement
  Game Theory Day at CWI
Tuesday 27 May


10.00        Welcome (foyer Turing room)
10.30 - 10.45    Opening by Jan Karel Lenstra, general director CWI
10.45 - 11.30    Christos H. Papadimitriou, "Some new directions in
routing equilibria"
  11.30 - 11.45    Break
11.45 - 12.30    Han La Poutr, "Multi-agent games and learning in
logistics and economics"
12.30 - 13.30    Lunch (free to those who register)
13.30 - 14.15    Dov Samet,  "On two two-envelope problems"
  14.15 - 14.30   Break
14.30 - 15.15    Krzysztof R. Apt, "The public project problem"
15.15        Drinks

You are cordially invited!
The full announcement (to appear at
  shortly) will provide information on how to register.