Logic List Mailing Archive

Arizona Winter School "Logic & Number Theory"

Here is some information on the upcoming "Arizona Winter School". See
also http://swc.math.arizona.edu/~swcenter/newaws/index.html which
will be regularly updated and provides links to information about the
Southwestern Center for Arithmetical Algebraic Geometry and previous
Winter Schools. The Winter Schools are intensive 5-day meetings on
some topic or area in number theory, intended mainly for advanced
graduate students and post-docs.

General Information
Title: "Logic and Number Theory"
Dates: March 15-19, 2003
Location: The University of Arizona
Organizers: Anand Pillay, Bjorn Poonen, and Minhyong Kim

Speakers and Courses
Fran?ois Loeser: "Motivic and p-adic integration"
Anand Pillay and Thomas Scanlon: "Model theory and diophantine geometry"
Bjorn Poonen: "Hilbert's tenth problem"
Florian Pop: "Elementary equivalence of finitely generated fields"

There will also be a special lecture series by Angus Macintyre on "The
history of interactions between logic and number theory."

Anand Pillay