26-30 May 2008
Turku, Finland
FM'08: 15TH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON FORMAL METHODS May 26 - 30, 2008 bo Akademi University Turku, Finland CALL FOR PARTICIPATION http://www.fm2008.abo.fi/ It is our pleasure to invite you to FM'08, the premier international forum for practitioners and researchers applying mathematical methods to the design of highly reliable computer systems. FM'08 is the fifteenth in a series of symposia organized by Formal Methods Europe, http://www.fmeurope.org, an independent association whose aim is to stimulate the use of, and research on, formal methods for software development. The symposia have been notably successful in bringing together innovators and practitioners in precise mathematical methods for software development, industrial users as well as researchers. A program of five invited talks and 23 outstanding research papers provides the opportunity to learn about the newest developments in the theory and application of formal methods. The program covers a wide range of topics, including real-time and concurrency, design, verification, communication, runtime monitoring and analysis, constraint analysis, programming language analysis, formal methods practice, and grand challenge problems. As in the previous years, an Industry Day is dedicated for practitioners to share their experiences with industrial applications. This year's Industry Day investigates telecommunications and embedded systems, being supported by NOKIA. Speakers from five major industries will address this year's theme, together with the Johnson Professor Arvind from MIT. Tutorials are a central part of this years FM symposium, as an effective way of disseminating emerging application areas, tools, and techniques. This year we have seven tutorials, given by renowned experts in their fields. The five co-located workshops address issues of specific formal techniques as well as novel computational models and grand challenges. The following list of tutorials and workshops are available: Tutorials Computational Systems Biology Teaching formal methods to students in high school and introductory university courses Event-B and the Rodin Platform Why formal verification remains on the fringes of commercial development Formal Methods and Signal Processing Runtime Model Checking of Multithreaded C Programs using Automated Instrumentation Dynamic Partial Order Reduction and Distributed Checking Formal modelling and analysis of real-time systems using UPPAAL Workshops Formal aspects of virtual organisations Overture/VDM++ Refinement workshop Pilot Projects for the Grand Challenge in Verified Software Computational Models for Cell Processes A Doctoral Symposium on all aspects of formal methods research is also part of FM08, giving young researchers the opportunity to have their ideas critically, but constructively examined by the community. A Poster and Tool Exhibition of both research projects and commercial tools allows researchers to engage in a dialogue with potential users in early phases of their work. The submission date for the both the Doctoral Symposium and the Poster and Tool Exhibition is March 7. Registration to all types of events will open during week 8, with the possibility of early registration until March 25. Important dates for submitting papers to the workshops should be identified via the own homepages of these events, reachable from above or from the FM08 website . Generally, workshop papers should be submitted in March. The list of the accepted papers to the technical symposium and the preliminary schedule of FM08 can already be retrieved via our website. We hope you will enjoy a rewarding symposium program! Kaisa Sere, General Chair Jorge Cuellar, Tom Maibaum, Program Chairs