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Two junior and one senior faculty positions in computer science, University of New Mexico
The University of New Mexico is hiring for 2 junior positions and 1 senior
position this year. We are specifically looking for theory and algorithms
researchers this year. The deadline for best consideration is Jan. 1st.
thanks! Jared
The Department of Computer Science invites applications for two probationary
faculty appointments leading to a tenure decision at the Assistant Professor
level. An appointment at the Associate level may be considered for
exceptionally strong candidates. We seek applicants from across computer
science, including but not limited to systems and networks, theory and
algorithms, software design and engineering, graphics and visualization, and
AI and adaptive systems. We are a strongly interdisciplinary department and
are particularly interested in applicants pushing the boundaries of computer
science with other fields; preference will be given to candidates in the
following fields: bioinformatics and biological computation; embedded
systems and sensor networks; scientific computing and simulation;
human-computer interaction and social computing; large scale data handling
and mining; physics and computing; or game theory and economics.
The Department of Computer Science is committed to excellence in both
undergraduate and graduate education, with a CAC ABET accredited BS degree
program, as well as MS and PhD programs. With about 140 undergraduate and
120 graduate students, we support both a strong core of computer science
education and interdisciplinary education through programs such as the
Program in Interdisciplinary Biological & Biomedical Science and the Media
Arts collaboration. For further information about the Department of Computer
Science at the University of New Mexico, see: http://www.cs.unm.edu
The University of New Mexico is the premier research university of the state
of New Mexico. UNM is a Carnegie Doctoral Very High Research Activity
Institution and a Hispanic Serving Institution, with over 33,000 students on
the main and branch campuses. The Department of Computer Science has fifteen
tenure-track faculty active in research areas including: algorithms,
artificial intelligence and artificial life, biologically inspired
computation, computational biology and medicine, computer security and
privacy, formal methods and automated reasoning, graphics and scientific
visualization, high-performance computing, machine learning and data mining,
peer-to- peer networks, programming languages, quantum computing, systems,
and theory. In 2005-06, our research expenditures were over $3.1 million,
through grants from agencies including NSF, NIH, DARPA, and DOE. We enjoy
strong research collaborations with the Santa Fe Institute, Sandia and Los
Alamos National Laboratories, and the MIND Institute, all of which are
located within a short drive. CS maintains interdisciplinary research
programs with the School of Medicine and the departments of Biology,
Computer Engineering, Linguistics, Neuroscience, Physics and Psychology. We
are associated with a number of UNM Research Centers including High
Performance Computing Center, the Center for Evolutionary and Theoretical
Immunology, the Art, Research, Technology, & Science (ARTS) Lab, and the
Arts Technology Center in the College of Fine Arts.
The University of New Mexico is located in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Albuquerque is ranked number one on Forbes magazine's 2006 list of Best
Places for Business and Careers, and is ranked number one in creativity
among medium-sized cities in Richard Florida's book "Rise of the Creative
Class." Albuquerque is an ethnically diverse city with a rich culture and a
location offering unparalleled opportunities for outdoor adventure. The
University is located within minutes of the Sandia and Manzano mountain
ranges, which offer great opportunities for hiking, biking, rock climbing
and skiing.
Candidates must have completed a doctorate in CS or a relevant area by
August 15, 2008. Applicants should demonstrate a strong commitment to
undergraduate and graduate education, have a research profile in one of the
general CS areas enumerated above, the ability to establish a nationally
visible research program, and demonstrated interest in one of the preferred
areas specified above. We especially encourage members of underrepresented
groups to apply.
For best consideration, complete applications must be received by January 1,
2008. Position will remain open until filled. Each application must
include a cover letter, curriculum vita, research statement, teaching
statement, and the names and email addresses of three or more individuals
who have been asked to provide letters of reference. Applicants should
arrange for reference letters to be sent via hard copy or email directly to
the Faculty Search Committee.
The cover letter should summarize the applicant's experience, indicate the
level of the appointment sought, refer to JR#6318A/B, and must include an
original signature (handwritten on paper). A hard-copy cover letter is
required, but the rest of the application materials may be submitted
electronically via: https://www.cs.unm.edu/faculty-search
Cover letters and printed applications should be sent to:
Prof. Terran Lane Chair, Faculty Search Committee Department of Computer
Science MSC 01 1130 1 University of New Mexico Albuquerque, NM 87131