Logic List Mailing Archive

Winter School

Dear colleague,

        attached please find an information leaflet 
 on the forthcoming Winter School. If you decide to
 come, send us the registration form at your earliest

        Please, be so kind and help us a bit: spread 
 this information in your vicinity among the mathematicians
 which may be interested in this conference.

        With best regards
                        Bohuslav Balcar, Petr Simon.

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\centerline{\vel THE 29th WINTER SCHOOL IN ABSTRACT
\centerline{Section of Topology}
\centerline{January 27 -- February 3, 2001}
\vskip 0.5 cm

Dear colleague,

\noindent we have a pleasure to inform you that the 29th Winter
School will take place from January 27 till February 3 at the
hotel "Z\'amek" in Zahr\'adky u \v Cesk\'e 
L\'\i py (Central Bohemia),
Czech Republic (tel. (420)~(425)~877132). 
The area is pleasant for
touristic purposes and, depending on the weather,
 also biking or some  cross-country
skiing  possibilities  are here.

The conference will be held under the 
auspices of the Centre for
Theoretic Study of Charles University 
and Mathematical Institute
of Czech Academy of Sciences.

The main topics are traditional:  
Set theory, general topology, 
algebras and measures, topological 
dynamics, categorical topology.

We plan to organize several invited main lectures, given
by U. Abraham and M.~D\v zamonja.

The expenses are the following:
\settabs 2 \columns
\+ Conference fee & \ \,35,-- USD\cr
\+ Accommodation and board & 135,-- USD\cr
\+ Total & 170,-- USD \cr

Till December 31, it is possible to pay by bank transfer.
Please take care on the bank charge, we need to get
the amount listed above.
will be accepted also at the opening of Winter School.

\settabs 4 \columns
\+ Bank connection:  &Komer{\v{c}}n{\'\i{}} banka, 
Praha 1, Celetn{\'a},
Czech Republic  \cr
\+ Account number:        & 84735 - 011/0100, var.symb. 950303 \cr


A special bus from Prague to Zahr\'adky leaves on Saturday, 
January 27,
2001 at 16.00. The place of departure will be in 
front of the building of
Faculty of Mathematics, Sokolovsk\'a street 83 
(50 metres from
the metro stop K{\v{r}}i{\v{z}}{\'\i{}}kova on line B).
The return to Prague is expected at about 11.00 
on Saturday, February
3, 2001.

This first announcement is also the last one. 
The interested participants
will be, if necessary, contacted by e-mail.

In the case of interest, please, fill in the attached file with the
registration form and return it at your earliest convenience either
electronically or by a snail mail.


\hskip 5cm Looking forward to meet you

\hfill{B. Balcar, P.Simon}
\settabs 3 \columns
\+ Mailing address:& Petr Simon\cr
\+ & MFF UK\cr
\+ & Malostransk{\'e} n{\'a}m. 25  \cr
\+ & 118 00 Praha 1\cr
\+ & Czech Republic \cr
\+ E-mail: balcar\@mbox.cesnet.cz \cr
\+ E-mail: psimon\@ms.mff.cuni.cz \cr
\centerline{\vel THE 29th WINTER SCHOOL IN ABSTRACT
\centerline{Section of Topology}
\centerline{January 27 -- February 3, 2001}
\vskip 0.5 cm
\centerline{\vel REGISTRATION FORM }

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%Start filling data here
\noindent Name:
\noindent Mailing address:
\noindent E-mail:
\settabs 3 \columns
\+ I intend to give a lecture & - yes\cr
\+ & - no\cr
\+ & - not yet decided\cr
\+ Title of the lecture: & \cr
