Logic List Mailing Archive

Yearbook in philosophical logic: PHIBOOK

Announcement of a yearbook series:

PHIBOOK / published annually by Automatic Press / VIP


PHIBOOK is an annual volume devoted to philosophical logic and its relation
to philosophy and science with particular emphasis on multi- agent and modal
systems, active agency and social software. The yearbook is intended to
inform the community of current and future directions of research and
activity in philosophical logic, major events, books and important papers of
the past year but also leaves extensive room for discussion in terms of
columns, opinion pieces, and critical reports.


Alexandru Baltag (Oxford)
Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam / Stanford)
Branden Fitelson (Berkeley)
Vincent F. Hendricks (Roskilde)
Hannes Leitgeb (Bristol)
Fenrong Liu (Beijing / Amsterdam)
Eric Pacuit (Stanford)
Bryan Renne (CUNY)
John Symons (El Paso)


Ole Hjortland (St. Andrews)
Gregory Wheeler (Centria)


Pelle Guldborg Hansen (Roskilde)
Rasmus Rendsvig (Roskilde)




PHIBOOK invites authors to submit extensive survey (expositional) papers
(30-50 pages) on philosophical logic (including inductive logic, modal,
alethic logic, temporal logic, epistemic logic, deontic logic, conditional
logic ... with special focus on multi-modal logics and active agency) and

- its relations to notably epistemology, methodology, philosophy of science,
philosophy of language, philosophy of mind ...

- its applications and philosoophical significance in computer science,
information theory, cognitive science, mathematics, linguistics, economics
and game theory ...

These lists are not exhaustive. The survey papers should attempt to be
expositional in nature rather than detailed technical accounts and analyses

The yearbook also invites authors to submit

- opinion pieces and columns
- papers on new directions of research
- reviews and reports on academic events of the past year
- notifications (or reviews) of major books and important papers of the past
- unsolved / open problems
- lists of Phd-dissertations of the past year

all within the aim and scope of PHIBOOK. The yearbook does NOT publish
conference (workshop, seminar) and job annoucements.

PHIBOOK asks contributors to format their submissions according to the
following guidelines

Contributors are asked to state their name, affiliation and contact
information on a cover sheet together with information on the nature of the

Contributions should preferably be written in TeX, LaTeX or LaTex 2e but
other word processing packages are accepted provided that the contributions
are saved in rich text format (RTF) with a minimum of formatting (remember
to state your system platform)

If either TeX, LaTeX or LaTex 2e is used contributors are instructed to
include all special packages and macros used to generate the document

Contributors are requested to supply the electronic versions of figures in
either Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), TIFF format, GIF format or JPG format.

Material to be considered for publication in PHIBOOK should be sent to
Vincent F. Hendricks (vincent@ruc.dk) with "PHIBOOK" in the subject entry.

Deadline for submitting material for PHIBOOK 2007 is March 1, 2007.


Opinion pieces
Reviews and Reports on Academic Events in the Area Major Books and Important
Papers of the Year Survey Articles Announcements and Reports from AiML,
TARK, ASL, FoLLI Unsolved / Open problems Phd-dissertations of the past year


The yearbook will be published by Automatic Press / VIP, around 250 pages
coming out in November every year - $25-7 a copy. The first yearbook
covering 2007 will be coming out in May 2008 and the 2008 volume will appear
in December 2008.