Logic List Mailing Archive

PhiMSAMP-2: a day of methodological tutorials for philosophy of mathematics

19-21 October 2007
Utrecht, The Netherlands

Utrecht, October 19-21, 2007

PhiMSAMP-2 is a workshop of the PhiMSAMP (Philosophy of Mathematics:
Sociological Aspects and Mathematical Practice) network during which its
members collaborate on their research projects. However, part of the
workshop is open for the general public, and we cordially invite all
researchers and students to join us for Friday evening and Saturday.

On Friday evening, members of the PhiMSAMP network will present their
research results in short talks; the whole Saturday is devoted to tutorials
on methodology in the social sciences and cognitive science by leading
researchers (Kalthoff, Stenning, Buskens, Neth). These tutorials could be
particularly interesting for graduate students who are most enthusiastically

If you are interested in joining us, please contact Thomas Mueller at

Preliminary Schedule of the public part (for updates, check our webpage)

      Friday 19 Oct
      	17:00-17:30	Informal Opening of the public part
      	17:30-18:00	EVA WILHELMUS (Bonn)
			The concepts of knowledge in mathematical practice
			- a cluster analysis
      	18:00-18:30	DIRK SCHLIMM (Montreal)
			Two Ways of Analogy: Extending the study of
			analogies to mathematical domainsDirk Schlimm.
      	18:30-19:00	ESTHER RAMHARTER (Vienna)
			Let A be
      	Evening 	Dinner with the invited speakers

      Saturday 20 Oct
      	10:15-11:00 	Informal Gathering
      	11:00-12:30 	Tutorial Sociology I.
			Herbert Kalthoff (Zeppelin University)
      	12:30-14:00 	Lunch
      	14:00-15:30 	Tutorial Cognitive Science I.
			Keith Stenning (The University of Edinburgh)
      	15:30-15:50 	Break
      	15:50-17:20 	Tutorial Sociology II
			Vincent Buskens (Universiteit Utrecht)
      	17:20-17:40 	Break
      	17:40-19:10 	Tutorial Cognitive Science II.
			Hansjrg Neth (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
      	Evening		Dinner with the invited speakers