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Department Chair in Computer Science, Victoria BC (Canada)

Chair Search: Dept. of Computer Science, University of Victoria

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Victoria in
Victoria, British Columbia, Canada is searching for a new department chair.
The job requirements are for someone with administrative experience who has
a Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related field who has the qualifications
and standing to be appointed as a tenured Associate Professor or tenured

It is typical for someone to serve as chair for 5-7 years with the
possibility or reappointment (if that is desired by both the candidate and
the department) and afterwards, this person takes on the duties of a regular
faculty member in the department. Note that the University of Victoria very
recently abolished mandatory retirement.

Victoria is one of the best places in the world to live with
a very moderate climate. We have an outstanding computer
science department with a very strong theoretical computer
science group. The Combinatorial Algorithms Group
brings together faculty in math, computer science, and
engineering who have research interests in
- Graph Theory and Graph Algorithms,
- Combinatorics and Combinatorial Algorithms,
- Randomized Algorithms,
- Computational Complexity,
- Network Reliability,
- Topological Graph Theory,
- Computational Biology,
- Cryptography, and
- Design Theory.

I am posting this message to those interested in Discrete Mathematics and
Theoretical Computer Science since UVic has an excellent research
environment in these areas. We have a relatively large number of female
faculty members (11 of 34 regular faculty) and hope to attract a chair who
is sensitive to equity issues. For more information and the formal
advertisement (this one is my personal attempt at head hunting) please see:
http://www.csc.uvic.ca/career/chair_ad.htm I am on the hiring committee and
you are welcome to e-mail me if you are seeking further information.
Non-Canadians are very welcome to apply (Canadians are given preference in
the event of a tie between applicants).

Wendy Myrvold (wendym@cs.uvic.ca)
Full professor
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Victoria