7-9 July 2007
Guangzhou, China
Studia Logica International Conference Trends in Logic V MANY-VALUED LOGIC AND COGNITION Guangzhou, China, July 6-9, 2007 http://logic.sysu.edu.cn/information/TrendsInLogic.htm. http://www.ifispan.waw.pl/studialogica/TrendsV.html SECOND ANNOUNCEMENT Dear Colleague, We have already received conference submissions. However, the organizers are able to host more participants. For this reason we decided to prolong the deadline until May 15. Please note however that some participants need a visa for visitng China. It might make the procedure time consuming. For this reason we strongly advice the participants to not wait to the deadline with submitting paper. After receiving a submission, we will undertake the decision of accepting/rejecting the abstract as soon as possible. Those who submit papers about the deadline might have not enough time to set required formal matters. We would like invite also the participants who are not going to present paper. Could you please visit the conference page and contact Dr Yinhying Wang at yingyingzsu@yahoo.com.cn Till now the following invited speakers confirmed his participation: Lotfi Zadeh (Berkeley); Arnon Avron (Tel-Aviv), Chunnian Liu (Beijing), Jacek Malinowski (Warsaw/Torun), Daniele Mundici (Firenze), Wujia Zhu (Nanjing). With best regards, Shier Ju and Jacek Malinowski --------------------------------------------------------- This email has been sent via Studia Logica address list; see also http://www.StudiaLogica.org and http://www.StudiaLogica.org/call.for.papers.html We acknowledge the use of the following mailing list: Algebra Universalis researchers: http://www.math.umanitoba.ca/homepages/au/Researchers.html Logicians in Japan: logic-ml@sato.kuis.kyoto-u.ac.jp Logicians in China and Singapore Polish Association for Logic and Philosophy of Science --------------------------------------------------------- Best Regards Krzysztof Pszczola (www.StudiaLogica.org webmaster) ---------------------------------------------------------