19-22 June 2007
Montreal QC, Canada
[ The following text is in the "X-UNKNOWN" character set. ] [ Your display is set for the "iso-8859-1" character set. ] [ Some characters may be displayed incorrectly. ] DYNAMIC LOGIC MONTRAL - INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP UNIVERSIT DU QUBEC MONTRAL June 19th to 22nd, 2007 The dynamic turn in logic opens new perspective for epistemology and action theory. Information change and interactive situations unveil fresh and fascinating issues about fundamental concepts such as knowledge, beliefs and rationality. This workshop aims at giving these issues high priority in the philosophical agenda, by bringing together philosophers and logicians that share interest for dynamic phenomena. INVITED SPEAKERS: Horacio Arl-Costa (Carnegie Mellon University) Guillaume Aucher (LILaC, Toulouse) Alexandru Baltag (Oxford) Johan van Benthem (Amsterdam & Stanford) Paul Egr (CNRS, Institut Jean-Nicod) Andreas Herzig (LILaC, Toulouse) John Horty (Maryland) Ray Jennings (Simon-Fraser University) Eric Pacuit (Amsterdam) Michel Paquette (Collge de Maisonneuve) Rohit Parikh (Brooklyn College & CUNY Graduate Center) Bryan Renne (CUNY Graduate Center) Hans Rott (Regensburg) Mehrnoosh Sadrzadeh (Southampton) Darko Sarenac (Stanford University, IHUM) Krister Segerberg (Uppsala) Daniel Vanderveken (UQTR) Audrey Yap (Victoria) TUTORIAL: Barteld Kooi (Groningen, The Netherlands) will give a tutorial on dynamic epistemic logic to complement the presentations. It is meant to provide non-specialists and students with a working knowledge of dynamic epistemic logic. REGISTRATION: Participation if free, but those who want to attend the workshop are required to register online at: http://staff.science.uva.nl/~oroy/registration_dlmontreal2007/index.php ORGANIZATION: Mathieu Marion (UQAM), Patrick Girard (Stanford) Franois Lepage (U. de Montral) and Olivier Roy (ILLC, Amsterdam) INFORMATION: http://www.unites.uqam.ca/philo/dlmontreal2007/index.html or dlmontreal2007@gmail.com