Logic List Mailing Archive

TPR 2007 (Type theory, Proof theory, Rewriting)

29 June 2007
Paris, France

TPR '07
International Workshop on Type theory, proof theory, and rewriting
Paris, France, June 29th 2007

            Type theory, proof theory, and rewriting

                 Friday, June 29th, 2007, Paris

TPR is a workshop to present on-going work on proof theory and type
theory with an emphasis on the use of rewriting techniques in these

Topics include, but are not limited to, extensions of type theory with
rewriting, deduction modulo and other extensions of predicate logic,
the use of rewriting in logical frameworks and proof assistants, proof
search methods using rewriting and related methods, proof search tools
using rewriting, cut elimination, structural proof analysis...

This workshop is supported by the Types project, a coordination action
in EU's 6th framework programme. Types also organizes the HOR
workshop, a few days before.

Program Committee

Frdric Blanqui (LORIA, France)
Gilles Dowek (cole polytechnique, France)
Jim Lipton (Wesleyan University, United States and UPM, Spain)
Sara Negri (Helsinki, Finland)
Mitsu Okada (Keio University, Japan)


Submissions should be sent to Gilles.Dowek AT polytechnique.edu
before Friday, April 13th, 2007.

Important Dates

Deadline for submissions: Friday, April 13th, 2007.
Workshop: Friday, June 29th, 2007.