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Visiting Professorships in Computer Science, Cyprus



The Department of Computer Science at the University of Cyprus has a 
number of vacancies for Visiting Professors at the ranks of Lecturer, 
Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor.  ALL areas of Computer Science 
will be considered.

A visiting appointment is usually for one semester (Spring semester: 
Jan-June; Winter semester: Sept-Dec), but it can be renewed for up to four 

Applicants should hold a Ph.D.  in a relevant subject, have post Ph.D. 
experience, and BE FLUENT IN GREEK (both these requirements are 

The annual salaries for these positions (including the 13th salary) are:

Professor		(Scale A15)	CYP 34.754
Associate Professor	(Scale A14)	CYP 30.654
Assistant Professor	(Scale A13)	CYP 28.599
Lecturer		(Scale A12)	CYP 24.152

(At present CYP  1 = 1.7 Euro,  CYP 1 = 1.2 sterling  and CYP  1 = 2.2
U.S. dollars).

Presently, the Department is seeking  applications for the winter  and
spring  semesters of the  academic year  2007-2008.  The processing of
applications  has started and  will  continue until  all the available
positions have been filled. Anyone wishing to apply should send a full
CV to the following  address (the deadline for receiving  applications
is the 31st March 2007):

The Chairperson
Department of Computer Science
University of Cyprus
75 Kallipoleos Street
P.O. Box 20537, CY-1678
Nicosia, CYPRUS

For   more details and other  information,  interested individuals may
contact the Chairperson of the Department of Computer Science:

Professor George A. Papadopoulos
Tel: +357-22-892700
Fax: +357-22-892701
E-mail: george@cs.ucy.ac.cy