2-5 April 2007
Oxford, UK
+--------------------------------------------------------------------+ 23rd British Colloquium for Theoretical Computer Science BCTCS 2007 2-5 April 2007 St Anne's College, Oxford http://cms.brookes.ac.uk/bctcs2007/ The purpose of BCTCS is to provide a forum in which researchers in theoretical computer science can meet, present research findings, and discuss developments in the field. It also aims to provide an environment in which PhD students can gain experience in presenting their work, and benefit from contact with established researchers. SCOPE All aspects of theoretical computer science, including automata theory, algorithms, complexity theory, semantics, formal methods, concurrency, types, languages and logics. Computer scientists and mathematicians are welcome to attend, as are participants from outside the UK. PROGRAMME The programme will consist of nearly 3 days worth of invited and contributed talks, beginning at 5.30pm on Monday 2nd April and concluding at 1pm on Thursday 5th April 2007. The abstracts of the talks will be published in the Bulletin of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science (EATCS). The invited speakers are as follows: Dimitris Achlioptas, University of California, Santa Cruz (USA). "Random Constraint Satisfaction Problems: from Physics to Algorithms" Steven Alpern, The London School of Economics and Political Science "Search Games and Utilitarian Postman Paths on Networks" Julian Bradfield, University of Edinburgh (BCS-FACS Lecturer in Formal Methods) Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford "Living with Computational Complexity" (Prof. Gottlob's Inaugural Lecture at Oxford University.) Bob Harper, Carnegie Mellon University (USA). Richard Jozsa, University of Bristol Kristina Vuskovic, University of Leeds (LMS Lecturer in Discrete Mathematics) LOCATION The 2007 colloquium will be held at St Anne's College, Oxford, one of the colleges of the University of Oxford, and hosted by the computing departments of both Oxford Brookes and Oxford universities, Oxford itself is known as the "City of Dreaming Spires", and has been home to both royalty and scholars for over 800 years. REGISTRATION Registration for BCTCS2007 is open, via the web page. The deadline for registration and submission of abstracts for proposed talks is 16th February 2007. The registration fee is 340 UK pounds, including accommodation, lunches, and the colloquium banquet; the day rate, for those not requiring accommodation, is 145 UK pounds. A number of free registrations for UK-based PhD students are available. SPONSORS The colloquium is sponsored by EPSRC, BCS-FACS, and the LMS. FURTHER DETAILS Google search - BCTCS 2007 Web page - http://cms.brookes.ac.uk/bctcs2007/ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+ +--------------------------------------------------------------------+