Logic List Mailing Archive
Ehrendoktorwuerde Moshe Vardi
Call for Participation and Short Presentations
March 4-6, 2002, Saarbruecken, Germany
The University of the Saarland at Saarbruecken, Germany, has decided
to award Professor Moshe Vardi, Rice University, a Honorary Doctoral
Degree for his outstanding contributions to the area of Logic in
Computer Science. The presentation of the degree will be connected
with a symposium in Moshe's honour organized by the International Max
Planck Research School for Computer Science.
The symposium will feature invited talks by some of Moshe's
former collaborators and/or friends in the four main areas of his
scientific work: database theory, finite model theory, knowledge
representation, and program verification. Between these talks students
and young researchers will have the opportunity to present their work
in poster sessions.
* Invited speakers: Serge Abiteboul (INRIA), Franz Baader (Aachen/Dresden),
Ronald Fagin (IBM Almaden), Georg Gottlob (Vienna), Erich Graedel (Aachen)
Joseph Halpern (Cornell), David Harel (Jerusalem), Phokion Kolaitis (Santa
Cruz), Orna Kupferman (Jerusalem), Maurizio Lenzerini (Rome), Amir Pnueli
(Weizmann), Wolfgang Thomas (Aachen), Jeff Ullman (Stanford), Victor Vianu
(San Diego), Pierre Wolper (Liege) and, not to forget, Moshe Vardi himself.
* Registration. Participation to the symposium will be free of charge.
However we would like participants to register so that we get an idea
of how many people will attend. The registration deadline is February
17, 2002; see the url above for details.
* Call for Poster Presentations. The program will include sessions where
students and young researchers will be given the opportunity to
present their ongoing work and projects in short presentations of 5-10
minutes length. Submissions for these presentations, in the form of
short abstracts (1 to 5 pages long), should be submitted in postscript
or pdf format to witold@mpi-sb.mpg.de. The submission deadline is
February 17, 2002. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection
by February 22, 2002. Accepted abstracts will be published in a
technical report of Max Planck Institute for Computer Science.