12-16 June 2007
Nashville TN, U.S.A.
- ==================================================== - FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS - ==================================================== - for the International Conference on ORDER, ALGEBRA and LOGICS June 12-16, 2007 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee USA [Web site: http://www.math.vanderbilt.edu/~oal2007/] - =================================================== - Recent years have witnessed increased research activity on the interface between logic and universal algebra. In particular, the use of algebraic methods has proved to be fruitful in the study of non-classical logics -- such as modal logic, fuzzy logic, and substructural logics -- and ordered structures play a central role in this relationship. The purpose of the conference is to bring together researchers from these fields to foster collaboration and further research. FEATURED AREAS The featured areas include, but are not limited to, the following (in alphabetical order): - Algebraic logic - Algebraic theory of quasivarieties - Algorithmic problems in algebra - Applications of universal algebra to logics - Binary systems - Complexity and other algorithmic problems - Duality theory for algebraic structures - Finite axiomatizability problems - Modal logics - Non-classical logics - Numerical invariants of locally finite varieties - Ordered algebraic structures - Ordered topological spaces - Representations of lattices - Residuated structures - Substructural logics - Tame congruence theory and applications - Topological methods in algebra and logic The conference will be held in conjunction with the annual Shanks Lecture Series. This year's Shanks lecturer is Keith Kearnes of the University of Colorado at Boulder. The scientific program of the congress will include invited lectures and contributed talks. INVITED SPEAKERS - Keith Kearnes, University of Colorado [Shanks Lecturer] - Nikolaos Galatos, Japan Advanced Institute of Science & Technology - Ramon Jansana, University of Barcelona - Bjarni Jonsson, Vanderbilt University - Miklos Maroti, University of Szeged - Larry Moss, Indiana University, Bloomington - Daniele Mundici, University of Florence - Friedrich Wehrung, University of Caen - Ross Willard, University of Waterloo PROGRAM COMMITTEE - Josep Maria Font, University of Barcelona - Mai Gehrke, New Mexico State University - Pawel Idziak, Jagiellonian University - Franco Montagna, University of Siena - Hiroakira Ono, Japan Advance Institute of Science & Technology - Agnes Szendrei, University of Colorado at Boulder - Matt Valeriote, McMaster University - Yde Venema (Chair), University of Amsterdam ORGANIZING COMMITTEE - Antonio Di Nola, University of Salerno - Wieslaw Dziobiak, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez - Matthew Gould, Vanderbilt University - Jorge Martinez, University of Florida - Ralph McKenzie (Co-chair), Vanderbilt University - George McNulty, University of South Carolina - George Metcalfe, Vanderbilt University - Constantine Tsinakis (Co-chair), Vanderbilt University PAPER SUBMISSION Researchers wishing to present a contributed talk at the conference are invited to submit a three-page abstract clearly describing the topic and contribution of the proposed talk. Abstracts must be submitted as .ps or .pdf files. The first page should include title, names of authors, the coordinates of the corresponding author, some keywords describing the topic of the paper, and a plain text summary (200 words maximum). More precise details will be available at the conference web site. To present a paper, at least one author of each accepted paper must register for and attend the conference. IMPORTANT DATES - Abstract submission deadline: January 31, 2007 - Acceptance notification: March 10, 2007 - Conference: June 12-16, 2007 EXPRESS INTEREST At your earliest convenience, please use the link "Express Interest" at the conference web site to indicate your level of interest in the conference. This task should not take more than two minutes and will greatly assist the organizers to plan local events. FINANCIAL SUPPORT REQUESTS Financial support is available for a limited number of participants with preference given to graduate students and post-doctoral fellows whose participation is not fully-supported by other sources. Support requests should be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than March 15, 2007. To do so, please print and complete the support form found at the conference web site, and return it to us using the information provided therein. VISA REQUIREMENTS Visa requirements for travel to the United States are continually changing. International participants should immediately view important information available at the conference web site. CONFERENCE REGISTRATION On-line registration is available at the conference web site. After May 18, 2007, electronic registration will no longer be available, and you will have to register upon your arrival in Nashville. HOTEL RESERVATIONS The organizers have reserved hotel rooms, at special prices, in the vicinity of the conference venue. Participants will need to communicate directly with the selected hotels to secure their reservations. The conference web site contains detailed information for contacting the hotel of your choice and deadlines for obtaining the agreed hotel rate. FURTHER INFORMATION Information about OAL 2007 can be found at the conference web site at http://www.math.vanderbilt.edu/~oal2007/ E-mail inquiries about OAL 2007 should be directed to the local organizers at oal2007@vanderbilt.edu, or to the program chair.