13-14 April 2007
SophiaEuropa (http://www.sophiaeuropa.net) 2nd Workshop of the Interest Area "Causality and Motivation" Rome, 13-14 April 2007, Pontifical University S. Anselm Call for Papers This second "Causality and Motivation" workshop will be focussed on motivation, i.e. on psychological and social types of causation. Topics of interest include but are not limited to (*) Forms and types of motivation (taking decisions, building projects, planning, etc.) (*) The concepts of person and agent (*) Will, its layers and its pathologies (*) Intentionality and reference (*) Interaction between psychological and social items (*) Values (*) Biological, psychological and social forms of anticipation ("future-driven" behavior as opposed to "past-driven" behavior) (*) Levels of reality, their interconnections and their internal organization (*) Emergence, supervenience, complexity (*) Forms of causality (forward, upward, downward, backward) Speakers include Angela Ales Bello, Johanna Seibt, Liliana Albertazzi, and Roberto Poli. For a description of the interest area on Causality and Motivation and a summary of the first workshop (Bolzano, 20-21 April 2006) see http://www.sophiaeuropa.net/sophiacm. If you are interested in presenting a paper to the workshop, send please a two-page abstract to Roberto Poli (roberto.poli@soc.unitn.it) before January 31, 2007. Local chair: Stefano Visintin, St.D. (stfvsn@tin.it). A few rooms have been reserved within or nearby the Pontifical University S. Anselm. Please contact Dr. Visintin for details. Important Dates: Abstracts due: 31 January 2007 Notification of acceptance: 28 February 2007 Conference: 13-14 April 2007 SophiaEuropa is a research project supported by the Metanexus Institute (www.metanexus.net)