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Tenure-track position Computer Sciences / Mathematics; University of Haifa (Israel)
The department of Math-Physics-Computer Science in the University of Haifa
at Oranim would like to announce an opening of an academic (tenure track)
position for a Computer Scientist, starting October 2007.
The department is a part of the Faculty of Science in the University of
Haifa which is located at the campus of the Oranim College of Education.
It supports several B.Sc. programs which combine the three disciplines,
where computer science has been added 5 years ago. The academic staff
includes researchers in different areas of Mathematics, Theoretical
physics and Computer science, who are academically affiliated with the
University of Haifa. Suitable candidates for the present position should
have a credible research record in any field of Computer Science. However,
preference will be given to candidates who are capable of teaching math
courses as part of their teaching duties. In addition, fluency in Hebrew
is a requirement.
Applications should include a detailed CV, an updated list of
publications and a list of referees, and sent (either by regular or
e-mail) to the head of department:
Prof. Efrat Shimshoni
Dept. of Math-Physics-CS
University of Haifa at Oranim
Tivon 36006
phone: (972)-4-983-8818/21
fax: (972)-4-983-2167
dept. web site: http://mathphys.haifa.ac.il