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Heinz Hopf Lectureships, ETH Zuerich

ETH Zentrum

ETH Eidgenoessische Technische Hochschule Zuerich

Heinz Hopf Lectureships

The Department of Mathematics of the ETH Zrich invites applications for
several Heinz Hopf Lectureships beginning 1 October 2007 or earlier. The
positions are awarded for a period of 3 years, with the possibility of an
extension by 1 year.

Duties of Heinz Hopf lecturers include research and teaching in
mathematics. Together with the other members of the department, the new
lecturers will be responsible for undergraduate and graduate courses for
students of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering. The moderate
teaching load leaves ample room for further professional development.  
Courses at Master level may be taught in English.

Applicants should have proven excellence in research in any area of
mathematics and possess potential for further outstanding achievements.  
Some research and teaching experience after the Ph. D. is usually

ETH Zuerich specifically encourages female candidates to apply.

Applications with curriculum vitae and a list of publications should be
submitted to Prof. D. Salamon. In addition, three letters of
recommendation supporting the application should be sent directly to us.  
Applications later than November 30th, 2006 can be considered for
remaining position.

Applications should be submitted to:

ETH Zentrum
Department of Mathematics
Prof. D. Salamon
8092 Zuerich

Email: chair@math.ethz.ch

Bewerbungsschluss: 30.11.2006