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WoPaLo - Workshop on Paraconsistent Logic - ESSLLI 2002 - 1st Call For Papers (fwd)

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%%                        Call for Papers                         %%
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%%                WORKSHOP ON PARACONSISTENT LOGIC                %%
%%                http://logica.rug.ac.be/WoPaLo/                 %%
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%% 14th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information %%
%%                   http://www.esslli2002.it/                    %%
%%                                                                %%
%%                       August 5-9, 2002                         %%
%%                        Trento, Italy                           %%
%%                                                                %%


From 5 to 16 August 2002, the 14th edition of the European 
Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2002), 
will take place in Trento, Italy, organized under the auspices 
of the European Association for Logic, Language and Information

   Inside the Logic & Computation section of this summer school 
there will be a (one-week) Workshop on Paraconsistent Logic
(WoPaLo), from 5 to 9 August 2002.  The aim of the workshop 
is to provide a forum for advanced Ph.D. students and other 
researchers to present and discuss their work in the area.

   Paraconsistency developed in the second half of the 
XX Century as the study of non-trivial inconsistent logics.
The use of such logics has since then proved useful in several 
contexts, ranging from the formulation of set theories with 
stronger abstraction principles, and the handling of 
inconsistent databases, to the formulation and understanding 
of problems related to the formalization of argumentation and 
in the development of a formal philosophy of science, with 
applications to epistemology.  This workshop aims to be
representative of the main directions of current research 
on paraconsistency.

   Several congresses and workshops on or closely related to 
paraconsistency have recently been organized, among them:

- I World Congress on Paraconsistency, Ghent, Belgium, 1997

- Stanislaw Jaskowski Memorial Symposium, Torun, 1998

- II World Congress on Paraconsistency, Juquehy, Brazil, 2000

- (4) Flemish-Polish Workshops on the Ontological Foundations of 
Paraconsistency, 1999-2001

- (2) International Workshops on Living With Inconsistency

- I International Workshop on Computational Models of Scientific
Reasoning and Applications, Las Vegas, USA, 2001

- Workshop on ``Inconsistency in Data and Knowledge", Seattle, 2001

As usual, there is not much financing available for workshop
contributors and speakers, as the organizers of the ESSLLI 2002 
want to keep the registration fee as low as possible, and 
be able to provide some grants to selected students.  In view
of this, we would all highly appreciate it if you can find 
alternative funding to cover travel and accomodation expenses 
during the workshop.  All participants of the workshop are also
expected to register for the summer school in due time, and all
students are elligible for reduced registration fees.
   With 5 sessions of one hour and a half, experience of 
previous one-week workshops has shown that an average of 
12 contributions can fill in the schedule.

Papers should not exceed 15 pages.  A postscript or pdf
version of the paper should be submitted by e-mail to 
<wopalo_esslli2002@yahoo.com>.  Important dates:

   Dec  1, 2001: First Call for Papers
   Mar 15, 2002: Deadline for Submission of Papers
   May  1, 2002: Notification of Contributors
   May 15, 2002: Deadline for receipt of camera-ready copy of 
                 workshop notes
   Aug  5, 2002: ESSLLI 2002 starts

   We intend to provide to the participating students of 
ESSLLI 2002 a good survey of the most interesting and promising 
recent research in the the area.  An ideal lecture would 
contain (i) a good motivation (either with respect to a 
domain of application or with respect to a theoretical problem 
--the former seems more desirable given the audience), 
(ii) a clear statement of the problem that is solved by 
the paper, (iii) a clear presentation that is both 
understandable for a wider audience _and_ meets the highest 
technical standards.  A reader containing extended abstracts 
of all contributions will be made available at the workshop.

Joao Marcos
Ghent University, RUG, Belgium
State University of Campinas, Unicamp, Brazil

Diderik Batens
Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science
Ghent University, RUG, Belgium

Walter Alexandre Carnielli
Centre for Logic, Epistemology and Philosophy of Science - CLE
State University of Campinas, Unicamp, Brazil

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