Logic List Mailing Archive
Three postdoctoral positions, Database Group, Edinburgh
THREE (!) Postdoctoral Positions
* The Database Group at the University of Edinburgh, led by Peter
Buneman, Wenfei Fan and Leonid Libkin, is recruiting
post-doctoral researchers in connection with a recently-funded
grant in data exchange and data integration, an established
grant researching XML/database security, and the UK Digital
Curation Centre, which also sponsors new areas of database
research. While the positions are primarily open to database
researchers with a promising publication record, all applicants
with a strong background in computer science will be
considered. Skills in theory, algorithms and systems building
are particularly valuable.
* Potential research topics include Data exchange and
integration, Logic and automata in databases, Security in XML
and databases, Data provenance, Expressive power and complexity
of query languages, Stream database systems, Publishing and
transformations, Scientific databases. There are ample travel
and equipment funds to support this research.