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18th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT'06), Reykjavik, Oct 2006

The 18th Nordic Workshop on Programming Theory (NWPT'06)
                           Reykjav?k, Iceland, 18-20 October, 2006

The NWPT series of annual workshops is a forum bringing together
programming theorists from the Nordic and Baltic countries (but also
elsewhere). The previous workshops were held in Uppsala (1989, 1999 and
2004), Aalborg (1990), Gothenburg (1991 and 1995), Bergen (1992 and 2000),
Turku (1993, 1998, and 2003), Aarhus (1994), Oslo (1996), Tallinn (1997
and 2002), Lyngby (2001), and Copenhagen (2005). This time the workshop
will visit Iceland for the first time, and will be held in Reykjav?k.


Typical topics of the workshop include (but are not limited to):

    * Semantics of programs
    * Programming logics
    * Program verification
    * Formal specification of programs
    * Program synthesis
    * Program transformation and program refinement
    * Real-Time and hybrid systems
    * Modeling of concurrency
    * Programming methods
    * Tools for program construction and verification


Gerd Behrmann, Aalborg University
Matthew Hennessy, University of Sussex
Hanne Riis Nielson, DTU
David Sands, Chalmers University of Technology and University of G?teborg


Authors wishing to give a talk at the workshop are requested to submit an
abstract of 1-3 pages (ps or pdf, printable on A4 paper) to
nwpt06(at)ru(dot)is by the 19th September 2006. Submission of work
submitted for formal publication elsewhere and work in progress is

The abstracts of the accepted contributions will be available at the
workshop. After the workshop, selected papers will be published in a
special issue of Nordic Journal of Computing (awaiting confirmation).


19 September: Submission of abstracts
30 September: Registration OPENS (tentative)
5 October: Notification of acceptance
12 October: Registration CLOSES (tentative)
18-20 October: WORKSHOP (begins Wednesday morning/lunch, ends Friday lunch)

Since the dates for the workshop coincide with the Iceland Airwaves
<http://www.icelandairwaves.com/> music festival, we recommend that you
book your travel and accommodation well in advance.


    * Luca Aceto, Reykjav?k Univ., Iceland, and Aalborg Univ., Denmark (c
    * Michael R. Hansen, Techn. U. of Denmark, Denmark
    * Anna Ing?lfsd?ttir, Reykjav?k Univ., Iceland, and Aalborg Univ.
, Denmark (co-chair)
    * Hannu-Matti Jarvinen, Tampere Univ. of Tech., Finland
    * Neil D. Jones, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark
    * Kim G. Larsen, Aalborg Univ., Denmark
    * Bengt Nordstr?m, Univ. of Gothenburg, Chalmers Univ. of Tech., Swed
    * Olaf Owe, University of Oslo, Norway
    * Tarmo Uustalu, Inst. of Cybernetics, Estonia
    * J?ri Vain, Tallinn Technical University, Estonia
    * Marina Wald?n, ?bo Akademi University, Finland
    * Uwe E. Wolter, Univ. of Bergen, Norway
    * Wang Yi, Uppsala Univ., Sweden


Luca Aceto, Anna Ing?lfsd?ttir, S?lr?n Sm?rad?ttir,....

EMAIL: nwpt06(at)ru(dot)is 

More (and more current) information is available at


A short history of the  workshop is available at
