Logic List Mailing Archive
XVIth ESMLS (European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics), Udine (Italy), Sep 5-8
16th European Symposium on Medieval Logic and Semantics
The Theory of Fallacies and Its Use from Boethius to Paul of Venice
(Udine, September 5-9 2006)
Fabrizio Amerini (Parma IT)
Elizabeth J. Ashworth (Waterloo CA)
Harald Berger (Graz AT)
Bert Bos (Leiden NL)
Dino Buzzetti (Bologna IT)
Ir?ne Catach (Paris FR)
Laurent Cesalli (Freiburg CH)
Mario Conetti=09(Como IT)
Alessandro D. Conti (L'Aquila IT)
Manuel Correia (Santiago CL)
Angel D'Ors (Madrid ES)
Francesco Del Punta (Pisa IT)
Catarina Dutilh-Novaes (New York US)
Sten Ebbesen (Copenhagen DK)
Francesco Fiorentino (Bari) IT
Wolfgang Gombocz (Graz AT)
Fr?d?ric Goubier (Freiburg CH)
Klaus Jacobi (Freiburg DE)
Christoph Kann (Dusseldorf DE)
Gyula Klima (New York US)
Onno Kneepkens (Groningen NL)
Simo Knuuttila (Helsinki FI)
Yukio Iwakuma (Eiheiji, Fukui JP)
Elena Lisaniuk (St. Petersburg RU)
Benedikt L?we (Amsterdam NL)
Anneli Luhtala (Helsinki FI)
Alfonso Maier? (Roma IT)
Christopher J. Martin (Auckland NZ)
Dafne Mur? (Roma IT)
Santos Ernesto Perini (Belo Horizonte BR)
Giorgio Pini (New York US)
Giuseppe Primiero (Palermo IT)
Stephen Read (St. Andrews GB)
Giuseppe Roccaro (Palermo IT)
Johannes Rustenburg (Utrecht NL)
Mary J. Sirridge (Baton Rouge US)
Joke Spruyt (Maastricht NL)
Sara Uckelman (Amsterdam NL)
Luisa Valente (Roma IT)
Ria Van der Lecq (Utrecht NL)
Anthony Willing (London CA)
Topics/titles of papers (still provisional):
Amerini Fabrizio, Gugliemo di Ockham e la fallacia della nugatio
Berger Harald, Albert von Sachsen, Logica, Tr. V, De fallaciis
Buzzetti Dino, Duns Scotus and modal fallacies de sensu composito et
Cesalli Laurent and Goubier Fr?d?ric, L'usage des fallaciae dans l'Opus
Puerorum de Richard Brinkley
Conetti Mario, Syncategoremata e fallacie nella logica giuridica bolognese
tra Due e Trecento
Conti Alessandro, Wyclif, Continuatio Logicae, tr. 3, cap. 2 (paralogismi
e trinit?)
Correia Manuel, Material logic in Boethius: is it a fallacy? D'Ors Angel,
Tu scis an de mentiente sit verum Socratem esse illum
Dutilh-Novaes Catarina, Insolubles and the fallacy secundum quid et
Ebbesen Sten, The tradition of the Elenchi from Antiquity to Early Modern
Times: A Survey
Fiorentino Francesco, La fallacia consequentis nel Comm. Sent. di Giovanni
di Reading
Jacobi Klaus, Der Frage "sensu composito - sensu diviso / de sensu - de
re" bei Modalaussagen (besonders in Abaelard, LI, Super Peri hermeneias)
Klima Gyula, Ockham vs. Buridan on the fallacy of equivocation
Kneepkens C.H., Theory of fallacies in the early 12th-c. Perihermeneias
commentaries or: On the role of the fallacies in late medieval grammatical
discussions (end of the 14th-c. & 15th cent.)
Knuuttila Simo, William Ockham's commentary on the Sophistici elenchi
Iwakuma Yukio, A new discovered treatise on fallacies (ms Wien VPL 2237)
Lisaniuk Elena, Ockham's commentary on the Sophistici elenchi
L?we Benedikt and Uckelman Sara, Roger Swyneshed's notion of
self-falsification and modern approaches to Fitch's paradox
Maier? Alfonso, Il De fallaciis attribuito a Tommaso d'Aquino e
l'insegnamento su Pietro Ispano nelle Universit? italiane
Martin Christopher J., The use of sophisms and instantiae in the Parisian
schools after Abaelard (particularly in the Ars Meliduna)
Mur? Dafne, Anonymus Pragensis Quaestiones super Sophistici Elenchi
Perini Santos Ernesto, Mixed modal syllogisms in Ockham
Pini Giorgio, Duns Scotus on equivocation in the Sophistical Refutation
Primiero Giuseppe, The (first) typed Solution for an Insolubilia. Paulus
Venetus' Suppositiones as the Ancestor of the Simple Type Theory
Read Stephen, On Thomas Bradwardine's Insolubilia
Roccaro Giuseppe, un intervento in riferimento alla tradizione araba
Rustenburg Johannes, Buridan's Fallacies
Sirridge Mary J., Fallacia Figurae Dictionis: Has Richard, Master of
Abstractions, Got a Coherent Theory?
Spruyt Joke, John Wyclif on the fallacy of accident
Valente Luisa, Logic and Theology in the Fallaciae in sacra pagina (second
half 12th century)
Willing Anthony, Buridan on Belief: The Eleventh Sophism of Appellation
The Symposium will take place from Tuesday 5th morning to Saturday 9th
morning, with an half day free (probably Thursday afternoon) for the
traditional, but of course unconstrained, excursion. Arrival day is Monday
4th, the conference will necessarily end before 13.00 on Saturday 9th, due
to the closing of the University building. As usual, a dinner will be
offered to the participants and a conference meeting will be held in the
final part of the Symposium. The conference sessions will be held at
Palazzo Antonini, (the Humanities building, nr. 2 in the map of the city
that you can find at http://web.uniud.it/ceco/pianta.pdf).
Andrea Tabarroni
Dipartimento di Filosofia
Via Petracco 8
I - 33100 Udine
tel + 39 0432.556554 fax + 39 0432.556545