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Trends in Logic IV: Studia Logica International Conference, Torun (Poland), Sep 2006

Studia Logica International Conference
Trends in Logic IV
Towards Mathematical Philosophy
Torun, Poland, September 1-4,  2006


Conference goals:
The leading idea of Lvov-Warsaw School of Logic, philosophy and mathematics
to investigate the philosophical problems by means of rigorous methods of
mathematics. Since its very first issue Studia Logica has joined forces of
mathematicians and philosophers in carrying out logical investigations. The
are many elaborate mathematical theories that find their origin in philosop
and have had a big impact on both philosophy and mathematics. For a couple 
decades we have been witnessing the fruitful application of strictly
mathematical methods to handling more and more philosophical problems.

The main goal of the conference is to present current trends in applying
mathematical methods to philosophical problems.

Call for papers: We invite the contributions concerning applications of
mathematical methods to philosophical problems. Especially, but not
exclusively, we invite contributions on:

- The theory of consequence operations.
- Logical systems within artificial intelligence.
- Many-valued logics, fuzzy logic  and its applications to computer science
- Logical structure of natural languages, categorial grammar and substructu
- Theories of truth.
- Modal logics.
- Paraconsistent logics.
- Logical systems of quantum mechanics.
- Formal epistemology  applying logical, probabilistic, game-theoretic, and
other mathematical methods to epistemology.
- Logical systems of cognitive science, especially those utilizing methods 
systems of belief revision, non-monotonic logic, dynamic epistemic logic.
- Contemporary broadly understood deontic logic utilizing formal methods of

Honorary Chairman of the Conference: Ryszard W?jcicki

Invited speakers: Wojciech Buszkowski (Poznan), Janusz Czelakowski (Opole),
Branden Fitelson (Berkeley), Melvin Fitting (New  York),  Rob Goldblatt
(Wellington), Vincent F. Hendricks (Roskilde), Hannes Leitgeb (Bristol), Da
Makinson (London/Paris), Daniele Mundici (Firenze), Hiroakira Ono
(Tatsunokuchi),  Hans Rott (Regensburg), Peter Schroeder-Heister (T?binge
Gerhard Schurz (D?sseldorf), Neil Tennant (Columbus), Johan van Benthem
(Amsterdam), Heinrich Wansing (Dresden).

Some invited speakers don't confirm their participation yet.

Organizing Committee: Jacek Malinowski (Chairman), Andrzej Pietruszczak,
Rafal Gruszczynski,  Tomasz Jarmuzek, Jolanta Monikowska-Zygierewicz
(Conference Secretary), Marek Nasieniewski, Maciej Nowicki, Rafal Palczewsk

Program Committee: Heinrich Wansing (Chairman), Melvin Fitting, Rob Goldbla
Hiroakira Ono, Andrzej Pietruszczak.

Organizers: Studia Logica, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Polish
Academy of Sciences and Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun.

Deadline: Please send an abstract not exceeding 2 pages (in format of Latex
MS Word) to Heinrich.Wansing@tu-dresden.de not later than May 15, 2006. The
authors will be notified about the acceptance within 4 weeks after submissi

Conference fee: Euro 320. It covers accommodation in hotel (4 nights, singl
room with bathroom), breakfasts and lunches during the conference, garden p
on Saturday, a guided tour around Torunian old town on Sunday and conferenc
materials. The fee for an accompanying person is Euro 200. Scholars who are
able to get sufficient support from their home sources are encouraged to ap
for reduced conference fee by writing to the organizers.

How to pay: By transfer to the bank account of Institute Philosophy and
Sociology PAN, 00-330 Warszawa, Nowy Swiat 72, IBAN number: PL 45 1060 0076
0000 4010 5000 1029, SWIFT CODE BPHKPLPK, with the note "Trends IV conferen
fee". Do not pay before your participation is confirmed by the organizers.

Conference framework and social events: We expect that the participants arr
at Torun on Thursday afternoon. On Friday at 10 a.m. the opening of confere
is planned. Morning session will be devoted to the history of Studia Logica
. It
will open with Ryszard W?jcicki's lecture. Late afternoon we plan a guide
d tour
in Toru? old town. On Saturday night the participants are invited to gard
party in Piwnice (Astronomical Observatory of Nicolaus Copernicus Universit
near to Torun). On Monday about noon closing conference is planned.

Whom to contact: Contact please Mrs Jola Monikowska-Zygierewicz
jolamz@interia.pl on all the organizational matters.

More details will be given in the second announcement. It will be distribut
ed in
the middle of February.

Best Regards
Krzysztof Pszczola       (www.StudiaLogica.org webmaster)