Logic List Mailing Archive
CfP: Workshop on Algorithms/ Complexity and Logic ("Theorietag"), 03–04 March, Jena (Germany)
Workshop on Algorithms, Complexity and Logic (?Theorietag?)
Jena, 03-04 March 2025, https://stacs2025.de/workshop/
There will be a workshop on Algorithms, Complexity and Logic (?Theorietag?) immediately before the STACS conference in Jena. The 87th Theorietag will take place as a combined workshop of the GI groups Algorithms, Complexity, and Logic on 03-04 March 2025. Anyone is welcome to attend.
The workshop will start Monday noon and end Tuesday noon and will be held at the same venue as the STACS conference. The conference STACS will start on Tuesday at 1:30 pm.
If you are interested to contribute a talk on algorithms, complexity, or logic, please send an email to stacs2025@uni-jena.de by 5 February 2025 containing the following information: speaker and affiliation, title and abstract.
Notifications on acceptance of contributions will be sent by 10 February 2025.
Invited Speakers
Heribert Vollmer (Hannover)
Sebastian Wild (Marburg)
Registration to the workshop
Registration for the workshop is mandatory and can be done through the registration page of STACS https://stacs2025.de/registration/. To cover the expenses for coffee breaks, we charge a registration fee of 20 Euros per participant. Joint packages for registration together with STACS are available.
Scientific Organisers
Olaf Beyersdorff
Christian Komusiewicz
Local Organisers
Olaf Beyersdorff
Silvia Blaser
Benjamin B?hm
Marlene Gr?ndel
Tim Hoffmann
Kaspar Kasche
Agnes Schleitzer
Luc Spachmann
Professor Olaf Beyersdorff
Institute of Computer Science
University of Jena
Ernst-Abbe-Platz 2, 07743 Jena, Germany
Phone: +49 (0)3641 946321
Email: olaf.beyersdorff@uni-jena.de
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