Logic List Mailing Archive

CfN: Dahl-Nygaard Junior and Senior Prizes 2025, deadline: 31 January 2025

Dear all,

We are seeking nominations for the 2025 Dahl-Nygaard junior and senior priz

** Deadline: 31 January 2025 **

Established by AITO in 2004, these annual prizes are named after Ole-Johan 
Dahl and Kristen Nygaard, whose pioneering conceptual and technical work in
 the sixties shaped that view of programming and modeling which is now know
n as object-orientation.

The junior prize is awarded to a researcher who obtained the PhD degree at 
most 7 years before the award year, excluding any parental leave. The prize
 recognises a promising contribution to the field through a paper, a thesis
, or a prototype implementation.

The senior prize is awarded to a researcher who has made a significant long
-term contribution to the field in research or engineering.

The winners of both prizes will be given the opportunity of giving an invit
ed talk at ECOOP 2025 in Bergen, Norway.

Lists of previous winners of the prizes are given below.

Nominations are due by January 31 and should be made using this form: https

Please help me by circulating this call for nominations as widely as possib
le, and I very much look forward to receiving your nominations!


Klaus Ostermann

Dahl-Nygaard prize committee chair, 2025

2024, Vienna

Rachid Guerraoui (senior prize), and Alvin Cheung (junior prize)

2023, Seattle

Sophia Drosspoulou (senior prize), and Heather Miller (junior prize

2022, Berlin

Dan Ingalls(senior prize), and Magnus Madsen (junior prize)

2021, Aarhus

Kim Bruce (senior prize), and Karim Ali (junior prize)

2020, Berlin

Jan Vitek (senior prize), and Jonathan Bell (junior prize)

2019, London

Laurie Hendren (senior prize), and Ilya Sergey (junior prize)

2018, Amsterdam

Lars Bak (senior prize), and Guoqing Harry Xu (junior prize)

2017, Barcelona

Gilad Bracha (senior prize), and Ross Tate (junior prize)

2016, Rome

James Noble (senior prize), and Emina Torlak (junior prize)

2015, Prague

Bjarne Stroustrup (senior prize), and Alexander J. Summers (junior prize)

2014, Uppsala

William Cook (senior prize), Robert France (senior prize), and Tudor Grb
a (junior prize)

2013, Montpellier

Oscar Nierstrasz (senior prize) and Matthew Parkinson (junior prize)

2012, Beijing

Gregor Kiczales (senior prize) and Tobias Wrigstad (junior prize)

2011, Lancaster

Craig Chambers (senior prize) and Atsushi Igarashi (junior prize)

2010, Maribor

Doug Lea (senior prize) and Erik Ernst (junior prize)

2009, Genoa

David Ungar (senior prize)

2008, Paphos

Akinori Yonezawa (senior prize) and Wolfgang De Meuter (junior prize)

2007, Berlin

Luca Cardelli (senior prize) and Jonathan Aldrich (junior prize)

2006, Nantes

Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, and (posthumously) John Vlissides

2005, Glasgow

Bertrand Meyer (senior prize) and Gail Murphy (junior prize)

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