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CfP: LOGICA 2025 – 37th Int'l Symposium on Logic, 12-16 May, Hejnice (Czech Republic)
2nd Call for Papers
The 37th international symposium Logica welcomes submissions addressing any of the wide range of logical problems, with the exception of those focusing on specific technical applications. We especially welcome submissions that cover topics of interest to both 'philosophically' and 'mathematically' oriented logicians.
- Nina Gierasimczuk, Danish Technical University
- Hans Rott, University of Regensburg
- Rineke Verbrugge, University of Groningen
- Albert Visser, Utrecht University
- Submission deadline: 31 January 2025
- Notification: 12 March 2025
The review process will be double blind. Submit a PDF abstract of no more than three pages (including references) via the Microsoft CMT service:
Authors of submissions are required to create a Microsoft CMT account.
Submissions must be prepared using the Logica 2025 LaTeX template, which can be downloaded from the conference website.
Simultaneous submission to other conferences or journals is allowed, and we will also consider submissions based on recently published papers.
However, such submissions will not be considered for the post-proceedings volume.
The conference will take place at the Hejnice Monastery, a former Franciscan monastery in northern Bohemia: https://klasterhejnice.cz/
Participants will be housed in the venue, where all the meals will also be served. Transport to and from Prague (by conference bus) will be arranged. The bus will leave Prague in the afternoon of 12 May and return to Prague in the early evening of 16 May.
- Libor Bhounek, University of Ostrava
- Francesco Berto, University of St. Andrews
- Katalin Bimb, University of Alberta
- Ivano Ciardelli, University of Padua
- Thomas Ferguson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- Zoe Christoff, University of Groningen
- Rosalie Iemhoff, Utrecht University
- Gary Kemp, University of Glasgow
- Ansten Klev, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Roman Kuznets, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Ondrej Majer, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Carles Noguera, University of Siena
- Hitoshi Omori, Tohoku University
- Jaroslav Peregrin, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Adam Penosil, University of Barcelona
- Vt Punoch, Czech Academy of Sciences (co-chair)
- Hans Rott, University of Regensburg
- Igor Sedlr, Czech Academy of Sciences (co-chair)
- Sebastian Sequoiah-Grayson, University of New South Wales
- Nick Smith, University of Sydney
- Vtzslav vejdar, Charles University
- Vladimr Svoboda, Czech Academy of Sciences
- Andrew Tedder, Ruhr-University Bochum
- Sara Uckelman, Durham University
- Fernando Velazquez Quesada, Bergen University
- Heinrich Wansing, Ruhr University Bochum
The conference fee is 650 EUR for participants and 400 EUR for accompanying persons. The fee will cover full board and lodging at the Hejnice Monastery for the duration of the conference, coffee breaks and the banquet, the welcome party, the conference bus from Prague to Hejnice and back, the bus used for the conference excursion, and (for
participants) a copy of the post-proceedings volume containing the papers presented at the symposium.
A post-proceedings volume will be published in 2026. The deadline for submissions to the post-proceedings volume is expected to be in October 2025. Information on previous volumes can be found at https://www.collegepublications.co.uk/logica/
The Microsoft CMT service was used for managing the peer-reviewing process for this conference. This service was provided for free by Microsoft and they bore all expenses, including costs for Azure cloud services as well as for software development and support.
All correspondence regarding the symposium should be sent to
or to
Vit Puncochar & Igor Sedlar
Institute of Philosophy
Czech Academy of Sciences
Jilska 1, Prague 1, 110 00, Czech Republic
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