Logic List Mailing Archive

CfA: Guest Professorship at Würzburg [Germany], deadline: 28.02.2025

Dear Logicians,

The University of Wrzburg (Germany) appoints a guest professor of mathem
atics ("Giovanni Prodi Chair") for each academic term. The next round of ap
plications is for a stay in 2025/26 and closes on 28.02.2025:


Wrzburg is a lovely town and the atmosphere at the institute is really n
ice. I would be very happy about a guest researcher from any area of logic:
 It would be great to collaborate and also to provide students with another
 perspective on the field. If you have any questions about the call on the 
website, please feel free to contact me (anton.freund@uni-wuerzburg.de<mail


Anton (Freund)

[Group website: https://www.mathematik.uni-wuerzburg.de/en/mathematicallogi

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