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CfP: FOIS: 15th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems, 08-12 September 2025 (Catania, Italy), 04-05 September 2025 (online)

(apologies for cross-posting)


15th International Conference on Formal Ontology in Information Systems (FO
IS 2025)
08-12 September 2025 (Catania, Italy) - 04-05 September 2025 (online)
Website: https://www.dmi.unict.it/fois2025/


FOIS aims to be a nexus of interdisciplinary research and communication for
 researchers from many domains engaging with formal ontology. Common applic
ation areas include conceptual modeling, database design, knowledge enginee
ring and management, software engineering, organizational modeling, artific
ial intelligence, robotics, computational linguistics, the life sciences, b
ioinformatics and scientific research in general, geographic information sc
ience, information retrieval, library and information science, as well as t
he Semantic Web.

FOIS is the flagship conference of the International Association for Ontolo
gy and its Applications (IAOA)<http://iaoa.org/>, a non-profit organization
 promoting interdisciplinary research and international collaboration in fo
rmal ontology.

FOIS 2025 will be held both online and in Catania, Italy, by the University
 of Catania.

Call for Papers (main track)
Mandatory abstract submission: 23 March 2025 (strict) (AoE)
Paper submission: 30 March 2025 (strict) (AoE)
Website: https://www.dmi.unict.it/fois2025/?page_id=306

The conference encourages submissions of high quality, not previously publi
shed results on both theoretical issues and practical advancements.

Important dates
Mandatory abstract submission: 23 March 2025 (strict)
Paper submission: 30 March 2025 (strict)
Rebuttal period: 9-14 May 2025
Notifications: 19 May 2025
Camera-ready papers: 30 June 2025
Virtual conference: 4-5 September 2025
Onsite conference: 8-12 September 2025

Submission types
FOIS 2025 seeks full-length high-quality papers on three tracks:
- Foundational track: for papers that address content-related ontological i
ssues, their formal representation, and their relevance to some aspect of i
nformation systems.
- Application and Methods track: for papers that address novel systems, met
hods, and tools related to building, evaluating, or using ontologies, empha
sizing the impact of ontology contents.
- Domain Ontology track: for papers that describe a novel ontology for a sp
ecific realm of interest, clarifying ontological choices against requiremen
ts and foundational theory, and showing ontology use.

Each paper will be reviewed by at least 3 members of the program committee 
and 1 member of the senior program committee, who will provide a meta-revie
w. All reviews will be anonymous. Authors must submit an anonymised version
 of their papers.

The FOIS proceedings will be published by IOS Press as open access.

More calls will be announced soon.

FOIS 2024 Organization
General Chair
Maria Keet, University of Cape Town, South Africa

Program Chair
Claudio Masolo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche ISTC, Italy
Tiago Prince Sales, University of Twente, Netherlands

Local Chair
Emilio Sanfilippo, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche ISTC, Italy
Marianna Nicolosi Asmundo, University of Catania, Italy
Daniele Francesco Santamaria, University of Catania, Italy
Marco Mazzone, University of Catania, Italy

JOWO Chair
John Beverley, SUNY buffalo, United States of America
Patrick Lambrix, Linkping University, Sweden

Online Chair
Chris Partridge, University of Westminster, United Kingdom

FAIR Chair
Luiz Olavo B. da Silva Santos University of Twente Netherlands
Claudenir M. Fonseca University of Twente Netherlands

Ontology Showcase Chair
Veruska Zamborlini, Federal University of Esprito Santo, Brazil
Asiyah Lin, Axle Research & Technology/NCATS, United States of America

Poster & Demonstration Chair
Daniel Garijo, Univesidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain
Henriette Harmse, EMBL-EBI, United Kingdom

Early Career Symposium Chair
Greta Adamo, Valencian Research Institute for AI, Spain
Pawel Garbacz, Catholic University of Lublin, Poland

Industry Chair
Zubeida Dawood, Splunk, South Africa
Mike Bennet, Object Management Group, United Kingdom

Tutorial Chair
Luca Gmez lvarez, INRIA Grenoble, France
Gilles Kassel, University of Picardie, France

Publicity Chair
Csar Bernab, Leiden UMC, Netherlands
Eric Top, Utrecht University, Netherlands

Proceedings chair (JOWO)
Sanju Tiwari, Sharda University, Greater Noida, UP, India

Web Site
Daniele Francesco Santamaria, University of Catania, Italy
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