Logic List Mailing Archive

CfP: European Society for the Philosophy of Mathematics essay prize, deadline: 15 June 2025


Essay Prize

The ESPM would like to invite submissions for an essay prize for early care
er scholars. The prize is open to PhD candidates and to scholars who are wi
thin 3 years of the award of their PhD. To be considered for the prize comp
etition, you should submit your paper for consideration for publication in 
the Journal for the Philosophy of Mathematics, and state on submission that
 you would like to be considered for the prize. The winner will be chose
n from amongst the eligible submissions by a subcommittee of the journal's 
editorial board, taking into account reviewer reports as well as their own 
judgement. The prize essay will be published in the journal and the author 
will receive a prize of EUR200. The winner will also be invited to present 
their paper at an ESPM event. The deadline for submission to be guaranteed 
consideration for the prize is 15th June, 2025.


                                         2025 Conference

The 2025 Conference will take place in Paris from October 15-17, 2025.

The invited speakers are:

Timothy Gowers (Collge de France)

Elaine Landry (UC Davis)

Georg Schiemer (University of Vienna)

David Rabouin (CNRS, SPHere, Paris)

Andrea Sereni (IUSS Pavia)

The conference website, including a call for papers, can be found here.

                                       Membership Renewals

The society can only carry out its activities with the help of your subscri
ptions. The membership year runs from September 2024 to August 2025, so if 
you joined last year and did not set to auto-renew, your subscription is no
w due. You can find details of fees and how to pay on the ESPM website here
. Please do consider joining as a supporting member (higher rate) if you
r budget allows.

                                         Members Notices

If you have an item that you think would be of interest to our members, ple
ase contact europhilmath@gmail.com with further information, and where appr
opriate we will forward to our mailing list.

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