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CfP: The Syntax and Semantics of Formalisations in Philosophy, 27-28 June 2025, Munich (Germany)

[Apologies for cross-posting]

The Syntax and Semantics of Formalisations in Philosophy

Venue and date: LMU Munich, 27-28 June 2025 Submission Deadline: 31 Decembe
r 2024 Notification of Acceptance: 15 March 2025
Contact: Formalisations2025@gmail.com
Website: https://philevents.org/event/show/127594

Conference Overview
We are pleased to invite submissions for the conference The Syntax and Sema
ntics of Formalisations in Philosophy, to be held at LMU Munich on
27-28 June 2025. This event will explore the relationship between formal me
thods and philosophical inquiry, focusing on the challenges, debates, and i
mplications of formalising philosophical concepts.

The conference will feature four keynote talks and eight contributed presen
tations mainly across three main topics:
1. The Feasibility and Challenges of Formalising Philosophy: This theme exa
mines the adequacy of formal methods in capturing the nuances of philosophi
cal ideas, identifying common challenges such as potential oversimplificati
on and loss of depth, and exploring the relationships between terms and con
cepts within formal systems.
2. Pros and Cons of Using Formalisations in Philosophy: This topic addresse
s the ongoing discussion regarding the value of formal methods in philosoph
y, highlighting their benefits, including enhanced precision and clarity, a
longside the limitations imposed by formal systems, such as the risk of dim
inishing the richness of philosophical discourse.
3. Conceptual Pluralism and Choosing the Right Formalisation: This theme re
cognises the diversity of formal methods and evaluates the criteria for sel
ecting the most appropriate approaches for philosophical inquiry, consideri
ng the intended applications and goals of formalisation.
We welcome contributions that provide original insights into these and rela
ted topics. Historical approaches or comparative studies across different p
hilosophical schools are also encouraged.

Keynote Speakers
  - Catarina Dutilh Novaes (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam)
  - Georg Brun (University of Bern)
  - Sven Ove Hansson (Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm)
  - Anna Broek (University of Warsaw)

Submission Guidelines
We invite abstracts of up to 500 words, excluding references, which should 
clearly present the main argument and its relevance to the conference topic
s. Submissions will undergo a blind peer-review process.
Please submit your anonymised abstract by 31 December 2024 through the foll
owing Google Form: https://forms.gle/CwK6QPvBDHfyHgtaA

Notifications of acceptance or rejection will be sent out by 15 March 2025.

We warmly invite submissions from scholars from underrepresented and minori
ty groups in philosophy. We are looking forward to receiving your submissio
ns and hope to welcome you in Munich for a stimulating and collaborative ex
change of ideas.

The Organising Committee
Andreas Frenzel, Beinan Li, Luis F. Bartolo Alegre Doctoral Students at LMU
 Munich, Munich Center for Mathematical Philosophy (MCMP)

PS: SEPLO is not involved in the organisation of this event.
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